Lesson 2

Lección 16/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 2


I have
(Yo tengo)
You have
(Tú tienes / Usted tiene)
He has
(Él tiene)
She has
(Ella tiene)
It has
(Eso tiene)
We have
(Nosotros tenemos)
They have
(Ellos tienen)

I do not have / I don't have
(Yo no tengo)
You do not have / You don't have
(Tú no tienes / Usted no tiene)
He does not have / He doesn't have
(Él no tiene)
She does not have / She doesn't have
(Ella no tiene)
It does not have / It doesn't have
(Eso no tiene)
We do not have / We don't have
(Nosotros no tenemos)
They do not have / They don't have
(Ellos no tienen)

Do I have?
(¿Tengo yo?)
Do you have?
(¿Tienes tú? / ¿Tiene usted?)
Does he have?
(¿Tiene él?)
Does she have?
(¿Tiene ella?)
Does it have?
(¿Tiene eso?)
Do we have?
(¿Tenemos nosotros?)
Do they have?
(¿Tienen ellos?)


Affirmative form
I have a car.
(Yo tengo un coche.)
They have two cats.
(Ellos tienen dos gatos.)
She has a new phone.
(Ella tiene un teléfono nuevo.)

Negative form
I do not have a dog. / I don't have a dog.
(Yo no tengo un perro.)
He does not have time. / He doesn't have time.
(Él no tiene tiempo.)
We do not have any milk. / We don't have any milk.
(Nosotros no tenemos leche.)

Interrogative form
Do you have a pen?
(¿Tienes un bolígrafo?)
Does she have a sister?
(¿Tiene ella una hermana?)
Do they have any questions?
(¿Tienen ellos alguna pregunta?)

Useful expressions and phrases

Affirmative form
I have a car.
(Tengo un coche.)
They have two cats.
(Ellos tienen dos gatos.)
She has a new phone.
(Ella tiene un teléfono nuevo.)

Negative form
I do not have a dog.
(No tengo un perro.)
He does not have time.
(Él no tiene tiempo.)
We do not have any milk.
(No tenemos leche.)

Interrogative form
Do you have a pen?
(¿Tienes un bolígrafo?)
Does she have a sister?
(¿Tiene ella una hermana?)
Do they have any questions?
(¿Tienen alguna pregunta?)


1.  Escucha la siguiente conversación y responda las siguientes preguntas

a. What does Sarah have?

b. What is Mark’s first hobby?

c. Does Sarah have a camera?

d. What does Sarah enjoy doing with her bicycle?

e. What does Sarah have planned for the weekend?

2. Escucha los audios y completa

 a cellphone that helps me stay connected with my friends and family.

 a cozy bed?

 a backpack?

 a pet dog that brings joy and companionship to his life?

 a music player that allows me to listen to my favorite songs?

 a camera to capture special moments and memories.

3. Lee el siguiente texto y responde.

My friend Sarah loves animals, but she doesn't have any pets at home. She used to have a cat, but unfortunately, it passed away last year. Now, she doesn't want to have another pet because she travels a lot for work and wouldn't be able to take care of it properly. Instead, she enjoys visiting animal shelters and helping out by volunteering her time. Despite not having a pet of her own, Sarah still has a big heart for animals and loves spending time with them whenever she can.

What is the main verb used in the negative form in the text?

  • a) like

  • b) had

  • c) doesn't have

  • d) needs


What is the purpose of using the negative form of "to have" in the text?

  • a) To show possession

  • b) To express preference

  • c) To indicate past actions

  • d) To show the absence of something


What is the opposite of "to have" in the negative form?

  • a) Possess

  • b) Had

  • c) Have

  • d) Don't have


Give a synonym for "pets" in the text.

  • a) Animals

  • b) Dogs

  • c) Toys

  • d) Friends


What did Sarah have in the past, but no longer has?

  • a) A dog

  • b) A cat

  • c) A fish

  • d) A bird


Why doesn't Sarah want to have another pet?

  • a) She doesn't like animals

  • b) She is allergic to pets

  • c) She travels a lot for work

  • d) She doesn't have enough money


What does Sarah do at animal shelters despite not having a pet?

  • a) Adopt animals

  • b) Buy pet supplies

  • c) Volunteer her time

  • d) Train dogs


What does Sarah have a big heart for, even though she doesn't have it?

  • a) Cats

  • b) Traveling

  • c) Dogs

  • d) Animals
