Lesson 2

Lección 7/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 2


(de mediana edad)
(que desafía la edad)


Age Adjectives
She is a young woman.
(Ella es una mujer joven.)

Use of "to be"
I am twenty-five years old.
(Tengo veinticinco años.)

Age Expressions
When discussing age, expressions such as
in their twenties
(en sus veintes)
in their forties
(en sus cuarentas)
over the hill
(más de cuarenta años)

Position of Adjectives in the Sentence
Age adjectives are generally placed before the noun. However, they can also be placed after the verb "to be" in certain cases.
She is a beautiful young woman.
(Ella es una mujer joven y hermosa.)
He is an old, wise man.
(Él es un hombre viejo y sabio)

Useful expressions and phrases

Expressing age
She is 25 years old.
(Ella tiene 25 años.)

Describing age characteristics
He looks younger than his age.
(Él parece más joven que su edad.)

Using age adjectives
They are a young couple.
(Ellos son una pareja joven.)

Expressing age range
She is in her forties.
(Ella está en sus cuarenta.)

Comparing ages
He is older than his sister.
(Él es mayor que su hermana.)

Actividad 1

Escucha detenidamente el siguiente dialogo y responda las siguientes preguntas.


How does Mr. Johnson look for his age?

What does Mr. Johnson do to take care of himself?

How does Sarah feel about Mr. Johnson?

Actividad 2

Lea detenidamente el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas.

Emily and
David are talking about their favorite actors.

David, have you seen the latest movie with Robert Downey Jr.?

David: Yes,
I have! He's an amazing actor.

Emily: I
agree! Did you know he started his acting career at a very young age?

Really? I didn't know that. How old was he when he began?

Emily: He
was only five years old when he appeared in his first film. It's incredible how
successful he has become over the years.

Absolutely! His talent and versatility have made him one of the most renowned
actors in Hollywood.


Who are Emily and David talking about?

How old was Robert Downey Jr. when he started his acting career?

What do Emily and David think of Robert Downey Jr.?


Completa las siguientes frases.

1. Robert Downey Jr. is a(n) actor.

2. She looks much younger than her .

3. The young boy has (blonde, oval, big) hair and blue eyes.

4. My grandmother is in her (seventy, seventies, eighty) and still very active.

5. He has a (beuty, curly, charming) smile that lights up the room.

6. Sarah's grandfather is a (aging, elderly, young) man with a long beard.

7. The actress played the role of a  (big, timeless, middle-aged) woman in the movie.

8. The little girl has cheeks and a sweet voice.


Practica tu pronunciación, repite cada una de las frases.
