Lesson 1

Lección 2/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 1


(Tal vez)
It's possible
(Es posible)
It could be
(Podría ser)
There's a chance
(Hay una oportunidad)

Have the ability to
(Tener la habilidad de)
Be able to
(Ser capaz de)

Expressing uncertainty
I'm not sure
(No estoy seguro/a)
I don't know
(No lo sé)
It's hard to say
(Es difícil decirlo)
It's difficult to predict
(Es difícil predecirlo)
It's uncertain
(Es incierto)

Expressing certainty
I'm certain
(Estoy seguro/a)
I'm positive
(Estoy seguro/a)
It's definite
(Es definitivo)
It's for sure
(Es seguro)
There's no doubt
(No hay duda)

Asking about possibilities and abilities
Can you...?
Could you...?
Is it possible to...?
(¿Es posible...?)
Do you think...?
(¿Crees que...?)
Are you able to...?
(¿Eres capaz de...?)

Responding to possibilities and abilities
Yes, I can
(Sí, puedo)
No, I can't
(No, no puedo)
I think so
(Creo que sí)
I'm not sure
(No estoy seguro/a)
It's possible
(Es posible)

Expressing possibilities
Modal verbs: (can, could, may, might)
I can swim.
(Puedo Nadar.)
Modal expressions of possibility: (might, may well, could possibly, etc.)
It might rain.
(Podría llover más tarde.)
Expressions of probability: (It's likely, It's possible, It's probable, etc.)
It's possible that he will arrive late.
(Es posible que él llegue tarde.)

Expressing abilities
Modal verbs: (can, could)
She can speak French.
(Ella puede hablar francés.)
Ability verbs: (be able to, manage to.)
I am able to solve the problem.
(Soy capaz de resolver el problema.)

Questions and responses about abilities and possibilities
Questions: (Can you...?, Could you...?, Are you able to...?)
Can you play the piano?.
(¿Puedes tocar el piano?.)
Responses: (Yes, I can. No, I can't. Yes, I'm able to. No, I'm not able to.)
Yes, I can.
(Si, puedo.)

Useful expressions and phrases

Expressing Possibilities
There's a chance that...
(Existe una posibilidad de que...)
It's possible that...
(Es posible que...)
It might/may/could happen.
(Podría suceder)
There's a slight/strong possibility.
(Hay una ligera/gran posibilidad)
It's likely/unlikely that...
(Es probable/improbable que...)
It's probable/improbable that...
(Es probable/improbable que...)
There's a slim/remote chance.
(Hay una pequeña/remota posibilidad.)
It could/may well be the case.
(Podría bien ser el caso.)
It's within the realm of possibility.
(Está dentro del ámbito de la posibilidad.)

Expressing Abilities
I can...
I am able to...
(Soy capaz de...)
I have the ability to...
(Tengo la habilidad de...)
I know how to...
(Sé como...)
I'm skilled at
(Soy hábil en...)
I'm capable of...
(Tengo la capacidad de...)
I have the capacity to...
(Soy competente en...)
I'm proficient in...
(Soy bueno en...)

Questions and Responses
QuestionAnswer (Afirmative/Negative)
Can you...?
Yes, I can.
(Si, puedo)
No, I can't.
(No, no puedo.)
Are you able to?
(¿Eres capaz de...?)
Yes, I'm able to.
(Sí, soy capaz de.)
No, I'm not able to.
(No, no soy capaz de.)
Could you...?
Yes, I could.
(Sí, podría.)
No, I couldn't.
(No, no podría.)
Do you think it's possible?
(¿Crees que es posible...?)
Yes, I think it's possible.
(Sí, creo que es possible.)
No, I don't think it's possible.
(No, no creo que sea possible.)

Actividad 1

Escucha detenidamente el siguiente diálogo y responda las siguientes preguntas.


What is Character 2's response to completing the project on time?

How does Character 2 feel about meeting the deadline?

What does Character 2 say about handling challenges?

Actividad 2

Lea detenidamente el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas.

Exploring New Horizons

Are you
ready to embark on an adventure? Join our team as we explore new horizons and
discover endless possibilities. Our program offers a unique opportunity for
individuals to demonstrate their abilities and unlock their full potential.

Whether you
are an aspiring artist, a budding entrepreneur, or a curious traveler, our
program is designed to stimulate your passion and broaden your horizons. You will
have the chance to engage in various activities, including workshops, seminars,
and hands-on projects.

this program, you will develop invaluable skills such as problem-solving,
teamwork, and critical thinking. Our experienced mentors will guide you every
step of the way, ensuring that you make the most of this transformative

So, are you
ready to use this opportunity and embrace the unknown? The possibilities are
endless, and your abilities are waiting to be unleashed. Join us and let's
embark on this remarkable adventure together.


What is the main purpose of the program mentioned in the text?

What types of activities can participants expect in the program?

What skills can participants develop through the program?


Completa las siguientes frases.

that it will rain tomorrow.                          

to speak multiple languages fluently.


to take the train to the airport?.                          

to take the train to the airport. The station is just a few blocks away.


Practica tu pronunciación, repite cada una de las frases.
