Lesson 1

Lección 14/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 1


Check-in counter
Mostrador de facturación
Boarding pass
Tarjeta de embarque
Security check 
Control de seguridad
Departure gate 
Puerta de embarque
Baggage claim
Recogida de equipaje
Flight delay
Retraso de vuelo
Lost luggage
Equipaje extraviado
Gate announcement
Anuncio de la puerta de embarque
Connecting flight 
Vuelo de conexión

Past Simple Tense: Use the past simple tense to describe past actions or events ar the airport.

Pasado simple: Utiliza el pasado simple para describir acciones o acontecimientos pasados en el aeropuerto.

For example:

I arrived at the airport yesterday.
We checked in our luggage and went through security.

Present Perfect Tense: The present perfect tense is used to describe experiences that happened in the past but are still relevant to the present.

Presente perfecto: El presente perfecto se utiliza para describir experiencias que ocurrieron en el pasado pero que siguen siendo relevantes en el presente.

For example:

I have traveled through many airports.
They have never missed a flight.

Adjectives: Use adjectives to describe the qualities or characteristics of your airport experiences.

Adjetivos: Utiliza adjetivos para describir las cualidades o características de tus experiencias en el aeropuerto.

For example:

The airport was crowded and noisy.
The staff was helpful and efficient.

Adverbs: Adverbs can be used to describe how actions or experiences at the airport occurred.

Adverbios: Los adverbios pueden utilizarse para describir cómo ocurrieron las acciones o experiencias en el aeropuerto.

For example:

We quickly went through passport control.
She patiently waited for her delayed flight.

Prepositions: Pay attention to prepositions used in expressions related to the airport, such as "at the airport," "in the terminal," "through security," etc.

Preposiciones: Presta atención a las preposiciones utilizadas en expresiones relacionadas con el aeropuerto, como "en el aeropuerto", "en la terminal", "a través de la seguridad", etc.

For example:

We met up at the airport gate.
She went through customs without any issues.
Useful expressions and phrases

Checking in:

I need to check in for my flight.
Where is the check-in counter for [airline]?

Security check:

I had to go through security before boarding the plane.
They asked me to remove my shoes and put my belongings in a tray.


They called my flight for boarding.
We waited at the gate until they announced our boarding group.


I had to show my passport at immigration.
The officer asked me a few questions about the purpose of my trip.


I had to declare some items at customs.
They inspected my luggage to make sure I wasn't carrying any prohibited items.

Delayed flight:

My flight was delayed by two hours.
The airline provided us with meal vouchers during the delay.

Lost luggage:

Unfortunately, my luggage didn't arrive with me.
I had to file a lost luggage report at the baggage claim office.

Airport facilities:

The airport has a variety of shops and restaurants.
There is free Wi-Fi available throughout the terminal.

Ground transportation:

I took a taxi from the airport to my hotel.
The airport shuttle bus runs every half hour.

Overall experience:

The airport staff was friendly and helpful.
I had a smooth and hassle-free experience at the airport.

Activity 1

in at the counter and received my boarding pass.

and scanned me at the


Activity 2

Last month, I had a new experience at the airport. I was going to a different country for the first time, and I felt both excited and a little scared. When I arrived at the airport, I followed the signs to the check-in desks. The line was long, but the staff was helpful, and I got my ticket without any problems.
After checking in, I went to the security area. I had to take off my shoes, jacket, and belt and put them in a tray for checking. The security officers were careful but nice. Once I finished, I collected my things and went to the waiting area.
While waiting near the gate, I saw a screen showing flight information. My flight was delayed by 30 minutes, so I had some extra time to explore the shops with tax-free prices. I got a cup of coffee and found a comfortable chair to relax.
When it was time to get on the plane, I joined the line and showed my ticket. The flight attendants welcomed me with a smile and told me where to sit. The flight was smooth, and the cabin crew gave great service during the trip.


What did the author feel when they went to the airport?

  • a) Bored and tired

  • b) Happy and relaxed

  • c) Excited and a little scared


Where did the author go after getting the ticket?

  • a) Security area

  • b) Waiting area

  • c) Boarding area


What did the author have to take off for security checking?

  • a) Shoes, jacket, and belt

  • b) Hat and sunglasses

  • c) Bag and hat


Why did the author have more time before getting on the plane?

  • a) Early arrival

  • b) Short security line

  • c) Flight delay


How were the flight attendants to the author?

  • a) Friendly and welcoming

  • b) Rude and unfriendly

  • c) Busy and distracted



Practice your pronunciation

Para la siguiente actividad, tendrás que grabar un audio en el que describas una experiencia en el aeropuerto. Si no tienes ninguna, puedes inventarte una historia. Utiliza vocabulario aprendido en esta lección y haz tu audio con base en las actividades realizadas.
