Lesson 1

Lección 11/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 1


Front desk
Registro de entrada
Registro de salida
Room key
Llave de la habitación
Single room
Habitación individual
Double room
Habitación doble
Reservation number
Número de reserva
Credit card
Tarjeta de crédito
Servicios y comodidades del hotel


Where do you go to check-in at a hotel?

  • a) Reception

  • b) Reservation number

  • c) Suite

  • d) Front desk


What is the process of leaving the hotel?

  • a) Check-in

  • b) Reservation

  • c) Check-out

  • d) Front desk


What do you receive when you check-in at a hotel?

  • a) Single room

  • b) Double room

  • c) Reservation number

  • d) Room key


What type of room has accommodation for one person?

  • a) Suite

  • b) Reservation number

  • c) Double room

  • d) Single room


What is the number used to identify your hotel booking?

  • a) Reservation number

  • b) Check-in

  • c) Front desk

  • d) Suite


Useful expressions and phrases

Good morning/afternoon/evening, I have a reservation under the name of [your name]
Buenos días/tardes/noches, tengo una reserva a nombre de [su nombre].
I'd like to check in, please.
Me gustaría hacer el registro de entrada, por favor.
Could you please provide me with the key to my room?
¿Podría proporcionarme la llave de mi habitación, por favor?
What time is check-in/check-out?
¿A qué hora es el registro de entrada/salida?
Is breakfast included in the reservation?
¿Está incluido el desayuno en la reserva?

Checking out of a hotel:

Good morning/afternoon/evening, I'd like to check out.
Buenos días/tardes/noches, me gustaría hacer el check-out.
Could you please prepare my bill?
¿Podría preparar mi factura, por favor?
Can I leave my luggage here until later?
¿Puedo dejar mi equipaje aquí hasta más tarde?
Could you call a taxi for me, please?
¿Podría llamar a un taxi para mí, por favor?
Thank you for the pleasant stay.
Gracias por la agradable estancia.

Other useful phrases:

What are the amenities/facilities offered by the hotel?
¿Cuáles son los servicios/comodidades que ofrece el hotel?
Is there free Wi-Fi available?
¿Hay Wi-Fi gratuito disponible?
Could you recommend any good restaurants nearby?
¿Podría recomendarme algunos buenos restaurantes cercanos?
Do you have a wake-up call service?
¿Tienen servicio de despertador?
Is there a shuttle service to the airport?
¿Hay servicio de transporte al aeropuerto?

Listening Activity

Escucha la siguiente conversación entre una recepcionista y un huésped. Responde las preguntas tal como corresponda. 


🔊 Receptionist
Good evening, how may I assist you?

(Buenas noches, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?)

🔊 Guest
Hi, I have a reservation under the name Johnson.

(Hola, tengo una reserva a nombre de Johnson.)

🔊 Receptionist
Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Let me check your reservation. How many nights will you be staying?

(Gracias, Sr. Johnson. Permítame verificar su reserva. ¿Cuántas noches se quedará?)

🔊 Guest
I'll be staying for two nights.

(Me quedaré por dos noches.)

🔊 Receptionist
Perfect. Could you please fill out this registration form and provide a valid ID?

(Perfecto. ¿Podría completar este formulario de registro y proporcionar una identificación válida?)

🔊 Guest
Sure, here's my passport.

(Claro, aquí está mi pasaporte.)

🔊 Receptionist
Thank you. Your room is ready,  It is a cozy double room.

(Gracias. Su habitación está lista. ¿Hay algo más en lo que pueda ayudarlo?)

That's great. thank you for the information.

(Estupendo. Gracias por la información.)

Your welcome. Is there anything else do you need help with?

(De nada. ¿Necesita ayuda para algo más?)

Yes, Is the breakfast inluded?

(Sí, ¿está incluido el desayuno?)

Yes, you will have a complimentary breakfast. Do you need anything else?

(Sí, tendrá un desayuno gratuito.)

🔊 Guest
Yes, do you have a gym facility in the hotel?

(Sí, ¿tienen un gimnasio en el hotel?)

🔊 Receptionist
Yes, we do have a fitness center on the second floor. It's open 24 hours.

(Sí, tenemos un centro de fitness en el segundo piso. Está abierto las 24 horas )

🔊 Guest
That's great. Thank you for the information.

(Eso es genial. Gracias por la información.)

🔊 Receptionist
You're welcome. Enjoy your stay at our hotel, Mr. Johnson.

(De nada. Disfrute de su estadía en nuestro hotel, Sr. Johnson.)


What type of room will the guest be staying in?

  • Single room

  • Double room

  • Suite


How many nights will the guest be staying?

  • One night

  • Two nights

  • Three nights


Where is the fitness center located?

  • First floor

  • Second floor

  • Third floor


What is included in the guest's stay?

  • Complimentary breakfast

  • Room service

  • Spa access


What is the guest's name?

  • Johnson

  • Smith

  • Brown


Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas. 

John arrived at the hotel after a long journey. He approached the reception desk and greeted the receptionist. He handed over his passport and mentioned his reservation under the name "John Anderson." The receptionist quickly found his booking and informed him that he had reserved a single room on the fifth floor. John confirmed that he would be staying for three nights. After completing the check-in process, the receptionist provided him with a room key and explained the hotel's facilities, including the restaurant, gym, and pool. John thanked the receptionist and headed to his room to freshen up.


What is the main topic of the text?

  • a) Checking into a hotel

  • b) Checking out of a hotel

  • c) Hotel reservations

  • d) Hotel facilities


What did John provide to the receptionist?

  • a) Driver's license

  • b) Credit card

  • c) Passport

  • d) Reservation number


Where was John's room located?

  • a) First floor

  • b) Second floor

  • c) Third floor

  • d) Fifth floor


How many nights did John book his stay for?

  • a) One night

  • b) Two nights

  • c) Three nights

  • d) Four nights


What did the receptionist inform John about?

  • a) Nearby attractions

  • b) Hotel facilities

  • c) Local restaurants

  • d) Weather forecast



Practice your pronunciation

Practica tu pronunciación y habilidad oral diciendo las frases importantes del texto anterior. 
