Lesson 2

Lección 3/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 2


(Con neblina)
(Tormenta con truenos)


Verb "to be" to describe the current weather:
It is sunny today.
(Hace sol hoy)
It is raining outside.
(Está lloviendo afuera)
It was cloudy yesterday.
(Estuvo nublado ayer)

Expressions to talk about the temperature:
It is hot/cold/warm.
(Hace calor/frío/templado)
The temperature is high/low.
(La temperatura es alta/baja)
It's freezing.
(Hace mucho frío)

Time expressions:
Today, tomorrow, yesterday, etc.
(Hoy, mañana, ayer, etc.)
In the morning/afternoon/evening.
(Por la mañana/tarde/noche)
At night.
(Por la noche)

Adjectives and adverbs to describe the weather:
Rainy, windy, stormy, sunny, cloudy, etc.
(Lluvioso, ventoso, tormentoso, soleado, nublado, etc.)
Light rain, heavy rain, strong wind, etc.
(Lluvia ligera, lluvia intensa, viento fuerte, etc.)

Useful expressions and phrases

General statements:
The weather is nice today.
(El clima está agradable hoy)
It's a beautiful day outside.
(Es un día hermoso afuera)
It's a bit chilly.
(Hace un poco de frío)

Describing the weather:
It's sunny and warm.
(Está soleado y cálido)
There are clear skies.
(Hay cielos despejados)
It's partly cloudy with scattered showers.
(Está parcialmente nublado con lluvias dispersas)

Talking about temperature:
It's hot/humid/cold/freezing.
(Hace calor/humedad/frío/congelante)
The temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius.
(La temperatura está alrededor de 25 grados Celsius)
It's below freezing.
(Está por debajo del punto de congelación)

Expressing preferences or feelings:
I love sunny days.
(Me encantan los días soleados)
I hate when it's rainy and gloomy.
(Odio cuando llueve y está nublado)
I enjoy cool breezes.
(Disfruto de las brisas frescas)

Discussing weather changes:
The weather is getting warmer/cooler.
(El clima se está volviendo más cálido/frío)
It looks like it might rain later.
(Parece que podría llover más tarde)
The forecast predicts snow tomorrow.
(El pronóstico predice nieve para mañana)

Talking about past weather:
Yesterday, it was rainy all day.
(Ayer, llovió todo el día)
Last summer, we had a heatwave.
(El verano pasado, tuvimos una ola de calor)
In the past week, we had thunderstorms.
(En la última semana, tuvimos tormentas eléctricas)

Actividad 1

Escucha detenidamente el siguiente dialogo y responda las siguientes preguntas.


What kind of weather are they discussing?

What outdoor activity is Person B planning?

What does Person A mention about the weather forecast?

What does Person A thank Person B for?

Actividad 2

Lea detenidamente el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas.

The weather
forecast for tomorrow predicts heavy rain and thunderstorms throughout the day.
People are advised to stay indoors and avoid any outdoor activities. The
temperature will also drop significantly, so it's recommended to dress warmly
if you have to go outside. The rain is expected to continue into the evening,
so it's a good idea to plan indoor activities or stay cozy at home.


What does the weather forecast predict for tomorrow?

What are people advised to do?

How should people dress if they have to go outside?

How long is the rain expected to continue?

What should people do to prepare for the rainy day?


Completa las siguientes frases.

and warm today, perfect for a day at the beach.


to cool things down.

, the next it's sunny.



Today 's weather! De acuerdo al clima del día de hoy, graba un audio describiéndolo. Además, expresa qué actividades haces en un día como hoy. 
