Lesson 2

Lección 15/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 2




Boarding pass
Tarjeta de embarque
Puerta de embarque
Departure board
Tablero de salidas
Check-in counter
Mostrador de facturación
Baggage claim
Recogida de equipaje
Connecting flight
Vuelo de conexión

Present Simple:

Used to ask general questions or inquire about basic information. (Se utiliza para hacer preguntas generales o consultar información básica.)


What time does the flight depart?


Used to obtain specific information. (Se utiliza para obtener información específica)


Where is the boarding gate for flight BA456?

Can/Could I...?:

Used to make polite requests or ask for permission. (Se utiliza para hacer peticiones educadas o pedir permiso.)


Can I reschedule my flight?

Would you mind...?:

Used to make more formal requests. (Se utiliza para hacer peticiones más formales.)


Would you mind checking the departure board for me?

Present Continuous:

Used to talk about actions happening in the present moment, such as delays or cancellations. (Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que ocurren en el momento presente, como retrasos o cancelaciones.)


Is there a delay for my flight?

Modal Verbs:

Used to express possibility, permission, or ability. (Se utiliza para expresar posibilidad, permiso o capacidad.)


Could you please help me find my gate?

Conditional Sentences:

Used to talk about hypothetical or possible situations. (Se utiliza para hablar de situaciones hipotéticas o posibles.)


If my flight is delayed, can I get a new boarding pass?

Useful expressions and phrases

Can you help me find my flight?
¿Puede ayudarme a encontrar mi vuelo? 
Excuse me, where can I find the departures board?
Disculpe, ¿dónde puedo encontrar la tabla de salidas? 
What time does my flight depart?
¿A qué hora sale mi vuelo?
Where is the gate for flight number [flight number]?
¿Dónde está la puerta para el número de vuelo [número de vuelo]? 
Is there a delay for my flight?
¿Hay algún retraso para mi vuelo? 
Can I get a new boarding pass?
¿Puedo obtener una nueva tarjeta de embarque?
Which terminal does my flight depart from?
¿Desde qué terminal sale mi vuelo? 
Do I need to go through customs and immigration?
¿Necesito pasar por aduanas e inmigración?
Can you please check if my flight is on time?
¿Puede comprobar si mi vuelo llega a tiempo?
Is there a baggage weight limit for this flight?
¿Existe un límite de peso de equipaje para este vuelo?


Lee las preguntas y responde como corresponda:

What question can you ask if you want to know the gate for your flight?

  • a) "Is there a delay for my flight?"

  • b) "Can I get a new boarding pass?"

  • c) "Where is the gate for flight number A50?"

  • d) "Do I need to go through customs and immigration?"


What question can you ask to check if your flight is on time?

  • a) Can you verify if my flight is scheduled to depart as planned?

  • b) "What time does my flight depart?"

  • c) "Is there a baggage weight limit for this flight?"

  • d) "Can you please check if my flight has arrived?"


What question can you ask to inquire about a baggage weight limit?

  • a) "Do I need to go through customs and immigration?"

  • b) "Is there a baggage weight limit for this flight?"

  • c) "Can I get a new boarding pass?"

  • d) "What is the gate for my flight?"



Escucha la siguiente conversación y responde las preguntas:

Passenger: Excuse me, I'm looking for information about my flight. Can you help me?

Airport Employee: Certainly! I'm here to assist you. What's your flight number?

Passenger: It's flight number AC1234.

Airport Employee: Alright. Let me check that for you. Your flight is scheduled to depart at 2:30 PM from Gate 15. Please proceed to the Departure Lounge.

Passenger: Thank you. Is there any delay expected for this flight?

Airport Employee: Let me verify that for you. No, there are no delays reported for your flight. It's expected to depart on time.

Passenger: Great. And where can I find the Departure Lounge?

Airport Employee: The Departure Lounge is located on the second floor. Just follow the signs for Departures, and you'll find it on your left-hand side.

Passenger: Perfect. Thank you for your assistance.

Airport Employee: You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Have a pleasant flight!

What is the passenger asking for?

  • a) Food options at the airport

  • b) Information about the flight

  • c) Hotel recommendations


What is the flight number mentioned by the passenger?

  • a) AC1234

  • b) AC5678

  • c) AC9012


Where is the Departure Lounge located?

  • a) On the ground floor

  • b) On the first floor

  • c) On the second floor


Is there any delay expected for the passenger's flight?

  • a) Yes, there is a delay.

  • b) No, there are no delays.

  • c) The employee is not sure.



John is at the airport, looking for his flight to Paris. He approaches the information desk and asks the airport employee for assistance. The employee asks John for his flight number and checks the departure board. The employee informs John that his flight, number BA456, is departing from Gate 22. John thanks the employee and heads towards the gate. Once at the gate, he presents his boarding pass and proceeds to board the plane.


What is John looking for at the airport?

  • a) His baggage

  • b) His boarding pass

  • c) His specific flight

  • d) A restaurant


What does John provide to the airport employee?

  • a) His flight number

  • b) His passport

  • c) His name

  • d) His phone number


Where is John's flight departing from?

  • a) Gate 10

  • b) Gate 22

  • c) Gate 5

  • d) Gate 30


What does John do after receiving the information?

  • a) Goes to the security checkpoint

  • b) Goes to the baggage claim

  • c) Goes to the boarding gate

  • d) Goes to the customs office


What does John present at the gate?

  • a) His passport

  • b) His ID card

  • c) His ticket

  • d) His boarding pass



Complete las siguientes frases con la palabra adecuada para formar preguntas sobre la búsqueda de un vuelo concreto en un aeropuerto.

Could you please help me

(to/which/with) information about my flight?

Can you tell me the

(seat/number/check-in) of the flight?

Is the flight

(to/in/on) time or delayed?


(security/departure/gate) is the flight departing from?

Are there any

(restrictions/warning/notice) on carry-on luggage for this flight?

(are/be/is) the flight number available?