Lesson 4

Lección 5/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 4


(Por favor)
Thank you
You're welcome
(De nada)
Excuse me
I'm sorry
(Lo siento)
May I...?
Could you...?
Would you mind...?
(¿Te importaría...?)
I appreciate it
(Lo agradezco)
My apologies
(Mis disculpas)
Allow me
After you
(Después de ti)
No problem
(No hay problema)
Excuse my interruption
(Disculpa mi interrupción)
I beg your pardon
(Le ruego me perdone)
It's my pleasure
(Es un placer para mí)
If you don't mind
(Si no te importa)


Modal verb "May" + subject + base form of the verb:
May I use your pen?
(¿Puedo usar tu bolígrafo?)
May we borrow your car?
(¿Podemos tomar prestado tu auto?)

Modal verb "Could" + subject + base form of the verb
Could you please close the door?
(¿Podrías cerrar la puerta, por favor?)
Could I have a glass of water?
(¿Podría tomar un vaso de agua?)

Modal verb "Would" + subject + verb + object:
Would you mind opening the window?
(¿Te importaría abrir la ventana?)
Would you mind passing me the salt?
(¿Te importaría pasarme la sal?)

Modal verb "Can" + subject + base form of the verb:
Can I ask you a question?
(¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta?)
Can we have a moment of your time?
(¿Podemos tener un momento de tu tiempo?)

Polite phrase + modal verb + subject + base form of the verb:
Excuse me, may I speak to the manager?
(Disculpa, ¿puedo hablar con el gerente?)
please, could you repeat that?
(Perdón, ¿podrías repetir eso?)

Polite request with "Please" + base form of the verb:
Please, may I have another cup of coffee?
(Por favor, ¿puedo tomar otra taza de café?)
Please, could you send me the document?
(Por favor, ¿podrías enviarme el documento?)

Useful expressions and phrases

Expresiones y frases útiles
May I ask a question?
(¿Puedo hacer una pregunta?)
Could you please help me?
(¿Podrías ayudarme, por favor?)
Would it be possible for me to use your computer?
(¿Sería posible que use tu computadora?)
Can I have a moment of your time?
(¿Puedo tener un momento de tu tiempo?)
Is it alright if I take a break?
(¿Está bien si tomo un descanso?)
Do you mind if I use your phone?
(¿Te importa si uso tu teléfono?)
Would you be so kind as to lend me your pen?
(¿Serías tan amable de prestarme tu pluma?)
May I speak to the manager, please?
(¿Puedo hablar con el gerente, por favor?)
Could I borrow your umbrella?
(¿Podría tomar prestado tu paraguas?)
Is there any chance I could leave early today?
(¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que pueda salir temprano hoy?)

Actividad 1

Escucha detenidamente el siguiente dialogo y responda las siguientes preguntas.


1. What does Person A want to discuss with Mr. Smith?

2. How does Person A ask for permission to attend the workshop?

3. What does Person B ask Person A to provide?

Actividad 2

Lea detenidamente el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas.

Person A:
Good morning, Mr. Johnson. May I have a moment of your time?

Person B:
Of course, Susan. How can I assist you?

Person A:
Thank you, sir. I would like to ask for your permission to leave work a bit
earlier today. I have a personal matter to attend to.

Person B: I
understand, Susan. Can you please provide me with the details of your
personal matter?

Person A:
Certainly, Mr. Johnson. My sister is visiting from out of town, and I would
like to spend some time with her before she leaves.

Person B: I
see. Family is important. Considering the circumstances, I grant you permission
to leave work early today. Just make sure to complete your tasks before you go.

Person A:
Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson. I truly appreciate your understanding.

Person B:
You're welcome, Susan. If you need anything else, feel free to ask.


1. What does Person A ask for?

2. Why does Person A want to leave work early?

3. What does Person B ask Person A to provide?


Completa las siguientes frases.

1 - Excuse me, use your restroom?

2 - I borrow your pen for a moment?

3 - Would you mind the window? It's a bit stuffy in here.

4 - I have permission to leave early today?

5 - I ask for your permission to attend the conference next week?


Utiliza las expresiones vistas en esta lección y crea un tipo de diálogo en donde requieras un permiso. 
