Lesson 1

Lección 8/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 1


(decir, ordenar)
(mandar, ordenar)

Expresiones para dar órdenes e instrucciones
Do this:
Haz esto.
Follow my instructions:
Sigue mis instrucciones.
Carry out the task:
Realiza la tarea.
Complete the form:
Completa el formulario.
Obey the rules:
Obedece las reglas.
Take these steps:
Sigue estos pasos.
Pay attention:
Presta atención.
Be careful:
Ten cuidado.
Listen carefully:
Escucha atentamente.
Don't forget:
No te olvides.
Make sure:

Frases comunes para dar órdenes e instrucciones
"Please do the following..."
(Por favor, haz lo siguiente...)
"I want you to..."
(Quiero que...)
"Make sure to..."
(Asegúrate de...)
"You need to..."
"Don't forget to..."
(No te olvides de...)
"Follow these steps..."
(Sigue estos pasos...)
"Take your time..."
(Tómate tu tiempo...)
"Start by..."
(Empieza por...)
"Finish by..."
(Termina con...)


Verbos Imperativos
Sit down.
Open the window.
(Abre la ventana.)
Turn off the lights.
(Apaga las luces.)

Conjunciones y Conectores

Useful expressions and phrases

Giving Orders
Do this immediately.
(Haz esto inmediatamente.)
Please follow my instructions.
(Por favor, sigue mis instrucciones.)
Carry out this task.
(Realiza esta tarea.)
Complete it without delay.
(Completa esto sin demora.)
Obey my command.
(Obedece mi orden.)

Giving Instructions
First, you need to...
(Primero, debes...)
Start by...
(Comienza por...)
Next, you should...
(Luego, deberías...)
Then, proceed to...
(Después, procede a...)
After that, you can...
(Después de eso, puedes...)
Finally, make sure to...
(Finalmente, asegúrate de...)

They are used in the base form of the verb without the subject pronoun.
(Se utilizan en la forma base del verbo sin el pronombre sujeto).
Turn off the lights.
(Apaga las luces.)
Close the door behind you.
(Cierra la puerta detrás de ti.)
Clean up your workspace.
(Limpia tu espacio de trabajo.)
Put your phone on silent.
(Pon tu teléfono en silencio.)
Take a seat over there.
(Toma asiento allí.)
Read the instructions carefully.
(Lee las instrucciones cuidadosamente.)

Offering Help or Assistance
Can I help you with anything?
(¿Puedo ayudarte con algo?)
Is there anything I can do for you?
(¿Hay algo que pueda hacer por ti?)
Let me know if you need any assistance.
(Avísame si necesitas alguna ayuda.)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
(Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en preguntar.)
I'm here to help you.
(Estoy aquí para ayudarte.)

Giving Safety Instructions
Wear protective gear at all times.
(Usa equipo de protección en todo momento.)
Keep a safe distance from the edge.
(Mantén una distancia segura del borde.)
Avoid touching hot surfaces.
(Evita tocar superficies calientes.)
In case of emergency, follow the evacuation procedures.
(En caso de emergencia, sigue los procedimientos de evacuación.)
Report any suspicious activity immediately.
(Informa de cualquier actividad sospechosa de inmediato.)


1. Lea detenidamente el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas.

Welcome to our fitness class! Today, we will be doing a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. Follow the instructions below to get started:

Warm up for 5 minutes by jogging in place or doing jumping jacks.

Perform 20 seconds of intense exercise, such as burpees or mountain climbers, followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Repeat this pattern for a total of 4 minutes.

Take a 1-minute break.

Next, move on to strength exercises. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise, with a 30-second rest between sets.

Choose from exercises like squats, push-ups, lunges, and planks.

Finish the workout with a cool-down period. Stretch your muscles for 5 minutes to prevent injury and promote flexibility.


a) How long should the warm-up period last?

b) How long should each intense exercise last during the HIIT workout?

c) How many total sets of intense exercise should be performed during the HIIT workout?

d) How long is the break after the intense exercise sets?

d) How many sets of strength exercises should be done?

2. Escucha atentamente y responde a las siguientes preguntas relacionadas con la información mencionada en la grabación.


Preguntas y respuestas: 

a) What task is assigned to Sarah?

b) What task is assigned to James?

c)  What task is assigned to Lisa?

d) What does the manager ask the team to do after completing their tasks?

e) What do Sarah, James, and Lisa say in response to the manager's instructions?

3. Speaking practice: 

Lea las siguientes órdenes y responda como mejor corresponda. 

a) Find a book and read the first paragraph silently. What did you see in the first paragraph of the book you found?

b) Draw a picture of your favorite animal. Which animal did you choose to draw, and why is it your favorite?

c) Walk to the nearest window/door and describe what you see.

d) Choose a color and name three things that are of that color in the room.

e) Share a fun fact about yourself. 

