Lesson 1

Lección 10/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 1


Proceed with caution
(Proceda con precaución)
Emergency exit
(Salida de emergencia)
Fire alarm
(Alarma de incendio)
Emergency evacuation plan
(Plan de evacuación de emergencia)
Evacuation route
(Ruta de evacuación)
Emergency shelter
(Refugio de emergencia)
Evacuation drill
(Simulacro de evacuación)
Hazardous materials
(Materiales peligrosos)
Emergency services
(Servicios de emergencia)
Safety precautions
(Precauciones de seguridad)
Emergency broadcast
(Transmisión de emergencia)

Use of the verb "should"
You (should) notify the authorities if you notice any suspicious activity.
(Debes notificar a las autoridades si observas alguna actividad sospechosa.)

(Report) any safety hazards immediately.
(Reporta cualquier peligro de seguridad de inmediato.)

Use of warning words and phrases
(Caution), the floor is wet. Please walk slowly.
((¡Precaución!), el piso está mojado. Por favor, camina despacio.)

"Keep the doors closed during the fire alarm." (Active voice)
("Mantén las puertas cerradas durante la alarma de incendio." (Voz activa))
"The doors (should be kept) closed during the fire alarm." (Passive voice)
("Las puertas deben mantenerse cerradas durante la alarma de incendio." (Voz pasiva))

Useful expressions and phrases

Be aware of your surroundings.
(Sé consciente de tu entorno.)
Exercise caution when handling hazardous materials.
(Ten precaución al manipular materiales peligrosos.)
This is a drill. There is no actual emergency.
(Esto es un simulacro. No hay una emergencia real.)
Take shelter in a safe location.
(Busca refugio en un lugar seguro.)
Report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
(Informa cualquier actividad sospechosa a las autoridades.)
In the event of an earthquake, take cover under a sturdy table.
(En caso de un terremoto, resguárdate debajo de una mesa resistente.)
Keep calm and follow the evacuation procedures.
(Mantén la calma y sigue los procedimientos de evacuación.)
Stay away from downed power lines.
(Mantente alejado de los cables eléctricos caídos.)
If you see something, say something.
(Si ves algo, di algo.)
Please remain inside until the all-clear is given.
(Por favor, permanezcan dentro hasta que se dé la señal de seguridad.)
Proceed to the nearest emergency exit.
(Dirígete a la salida de emergencia más cercana.)
Notify the building manager if you notice any safety hazards.
(Notifica al administrador del edificio si notas algún peligro de seguridad.)
Follow the designated evacuation routes.
(Sigue las rutas de evacuación designadas.)
Don't use elevators during an evacuation.
(No utilices los ascensores durante una evacuación.)
Keep emergency contact numbers handy.
(Ten a mano los números de contacto de emergencia.)


Observa la siguiente conversación y responda las siguientes preguntas

Tom: Excuse me, Emma. I noticed that one of the rides seems to be experiencing technical difficulties. The safety harnesses aren't working properly. It's important to address this issue before anyone gets on the ride.

Emma: Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Tom. Safety is our utmost concern. I will immediately notify the maintenance team and have them inspect and fix the safety harnesses. We cannot operate the ride until it's deemed safe.

Tom: I appreciate your prompt response, Emma. Should we also notify the other visitors and advise them to avoid the ride until it's fixed?

Emma: Absolutely, Tom. I will make an announcement on the park's loudspeaker system, notifying all visitors about the technical issue and advising them to refrain from using the ride until further notice.

Tom: That's important to ensure everyone's safety. Are there any alternative attractions or rides you would recommend in the meantime?

Emma: Yes, we have several other attractions that are fully operational. I will provide you with a map and highlight some of the popular rides and shows you can enjoy while we resolve the issue with the ride.

Tom: Thank you, Emma. I appreciate your assistance. Safety is paramount, and it's reassuring to see the park taking immediate action to address any potential risks.

Emma: You're welcome, Tom. We prioritize the safety and enjoyment of our visitors. If you have any further concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy the rest of your day at our park.


What issue did Tom notice at the park?

What does Emma plan to do to notify the other visitors about the issue?

What does Tom ask Emma for in the meantime?

Actividad 2

Lee el siguiente diálogo y responde las preguntas. 

Warning and notification situation in a hotel. 
Excuse me, Mark. I just noticed a strong smell of gas in the hallway on my floor. I think there might be a gas leak. 
We need to address this immediately.
Thank you for informing me, Emily. Safety is our top priority. I will contact the maintenance team and have them 
investigate the gas leak. In the meantime, please stay in your room as a precaution.
 I appreciate your prompt response, Mark. Should we evacuate the entire hotel to ensure everyone's safety?
Not yet, Emily. Let's wait for the maintenance team's assessment. If necessary, we will initiate an evacuation procedure and 
inform all guests accordingly.
Understood, Mark. I'll stay in my room and await further instructions. Should I keep my windows open for ventilation?
No, Emily. It's best to keep your windows closed to prevent any potential gas from entering your room. We will ensure 
proper ventilation throughout the building.
Thank you for clarifying, Mark. I appreciate your assistance. Please keep me updated on the situation.
Of course, Emily. We will provide updates as soon as we have more information. Your safety is our utmost concern. 
If you have any further concerns or questions, don't hesitate to contact the front desk.

Multiple choice questions about the dialogue:

What did Emily notice in the hotel?

  • a) Strong smell of gas.

  • b) Fire alarm going off.

  • c) Water leakage in the hallway.


How does Mark respond to Emily's observation?

  • a) He ignores the issue.

  • b) He contacts the maintenance team.

  • c) He advises her to ignore the smell.


What does Mark suggest Emily do as a precautionary measure?

  • a) Evacuate the hotel immediately.

  • b) Stay in her room.

  • c) Open the windows for ventilation.


When will the hotel initiate an evacuation procedure if necessary?

  • a) Immediately upon receiving the complaint.

  • b) Once the maintenance team arrives.

  • c) After informing all the guests.


What does Mark advise Emily regarding her windows?

  • a) Keep them closed.

  • b) Open them for ventilation.

  • c) Leave it up to her preference.




Practice your pronunciation

Scenario (Situación): Home Fire Escape for a Single Person (Salida de incendios para una sola persona)

Imagine you are alone at home and suddenly realize there is a fire in the kitchen. Your goal is to notify the authorities and warn the neighbors about the danger while ensuring your own safe escape. (Imagine que estas solo en casa y de repente te das cuenta de que hay un incendio en la cocina. Tu objetivo es avisar a las autoridades y advertir a los vecinos del peligro, al tiempo que aseguras tu propia huida a salvo) 
Piensa en los siguientes aspectos para incluir en tu grabación: Notificación a las autoridades (Notification to the authorities), advertencia a los vecinos (Warning to the neighbors) e instrucciones para escapar (Instructions for escape). Utiliza el vocabulario aprendido durante esta lección. 
