Lesson 3

Lección 4/24 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 3


Good morning
(Buenos días)
Good afternoon
(Buenas tardes)
Good evening
(Buenas noches)
How are you?
(¿Cómo estás?)
I'm fine, thank you
(Estoy bien, gracias)
What's up?/What's new?
(¿Qué hay de nuevo?)
Can I speak to...?
(¿Puedo hablar con...?)
May I take a message?
(¿Puedo tomar un mensaje?)
Hold on, please
(Espera un momento, por favor)
I'll transfer your call
(Transferiré tu llamada)
Sorry, I think you have the wrong number
(Lo siento, creo que tienes el número equivocado)
Could you please repeat that?
(¿Podrías repetir eso, por favor?)
Can you speak louder?
(¿Puedes hablar más alto?)
I'll call you back later
(Te llamaré más tarde)
Thank you for calling
(Gracias por llamar)
Take care


Hello, this is [Your Name].
(Hola, soy [Tu Nombre].)
Hi, it's [Your Name] speaking.
(Hola, habla [Tu Nombre].)
Good morning/afternoon/evening, this is [Your Name].
(Buenos días/tardes/noches, soy [Tu Nombre].)

Greetings and Farewells
Take care
Talk to you later
(Hablamos luego)
Have a great day
(Que tengas un buen día)

Requesting and Providing Information
May I speak to...?
(¿Puedo hablar con...?)
I'm calling about...
(Estoy llamando por...)
I'm returning your call
(Estoy devolviendo tu llamada)
I'd like to schedule an appointment
(Me gustaría programar una cita)
Could you please provide me with...
(¿Podrías proporcionarme...?)
Let me check that for you
(Déjame verificar eso por ti)

Asking for Clarifications and Repeating Information
Could you please repeat that?
(¿Podrías repetir eso, por favor?)
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
(Lo siento, no entendí eso)
Can you speak more slowly?
(¿Puedes hablar más despacio?)
What was the address again?
(¿Cuál era la dirección otra vez?)
Just to confirm, you said...
(Solo para confirmar, dijiste...)

Taking and Leaving Messages
May I take a message?
(¿Puedo tomar un mensaje?)
Could you please ask [Person's Name] to call me back?
(¿Podrías pedirle a [Nombre de la Persona] que me llame?)
Could you let [Person's Name] know that I called?
(¿Podrías decirle a [Nombre de la Persona] que llamé?)
Please have [Person's Name] return my call at [Phone Number].
(Por favor, pide que [Nombre de la Persona] me devuelva la llamada al [Número de Teléfono].)

Useful expressions and phrases

Greetings and Introductions
Hello, this is [Your Name] speaking.
(Hola, soy [Tu Nombre] hablando.)
Hi, it's [Your Name].
(Hola, soy [Tu Nombre].)
Good morning/afternoon/evening, this is [Your Name].
(Buenos días/tardes/noches, soy [Tu Nombre].)

Identifying Yourself and the Purpose of the Call
I'm calling about...
(Estoy llamando por...)
I'm calling to inquire about...
(Estoy llamando para preguntar acerca de...)
I'm calling to schedule an appointment/meeting.
(Estoy llamando para programar una cita/reunión.)
I'm calling to discuss...
(Estoy llamando para discutir...)

Requesting Information or Assistance
Could you please provide me with...?
(¿Podrías proporcionarme...?)
I would like to know...
(Me gustaría saber...)
Can you give me some information on...?
(¿Puedes darme información sobre...?)
Could you please help me with...?
(¿Podrías ayudarme con...?)

Asking for Clarification or Confirmation
Could you please repeat that?
(¿Podrías repetir eso, por favor?)
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
(Lo siento, no entendí eso.)
Can you speak more slowly?
(¿Puedes hablar más despacio?)
Let me make sure I understand correctly...
(Permíteme asegurarme de que entiendo correctamente...)

Ending the Call
Thank you for your assistance.
(Gracias por tu ayuda.)
I appreciate your time.
(Agradezco tu tiempo.)
It was nice talking to you.
(Fue agradable hablar contigo.)
Have a great day!
(¡Que tengas un buen día!)

Actividad 1

Escucha detenidamente el siguiente diálogo y responda las siguientes preguntas.


1. What is Lisa Smith calling about?

2. How long has it been since Lisa placed her order?

3. What information does the representative ask Lisa to provide?

4. What is the delivery address mentioned in the conversation?

5. How can Lisa track her delivery?

Actividad 2

Lea detenidamente el siguiente texto y responda las siguientes preguntas.

Reading Passage: 

Hello, this is John speaking. How can I assist you today?

Sarah: Hi
John, it's Sarah. I'm calling to inquire about the upcoming meeting.

John: Sure,
Sarah. What specific information do you need?

Sarah: I'd
like to know the date, time, and location of the meeting.

John: The
meeting is scheduled for next Monday at 2 PM in the conference room.

Great! Can you also confirm if there will be any guest speakers?

John: Yes,
we have two guest speakers who will be presenting during the meeting.

Sarah: Excellent.
Thank you for the details, John.

You're welcome, Sarah. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


1. Who is making the phone call?

2. What is Sarah calling to inquire about?

3. When is the meeting scheduled?

4. Where will the meeting take place?

5. How many guest speakers will be presenting during the meeting?


Completa las siguientes frases.

1. I need to
a phone call to my friend.

2. Can you
me through to the sales department?

3. I'll
you back later. I'm busy right now.

4. Could you please
me the details of the meeting?

5. I'm sorry, I can't
the phone right now. Please leave a message.


Practica tu pronunciación, repite algunos de los ejemplos y agrega tu propia información. 
