Lesson 3

Lección 28/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 3

Gerunds as Direct Objects

A gerund is a verb form that ends in "-ing" and functions as a noun. When a gerund functions as a direct object, it acts as the receiver of the action in a sentence.

In a sentence, the gerund as a direct object typically follows a verb or a verb phrase.

I enjoy swimming.

Verbs that take gerunds as direct objects:
Certain verbs are commonly followed by gerunds as direct objects. These include verbs like "enjoy," "dislike," "avoid," "finish," "recommend," and "suggest," among others.

She loves dancing.
He dislikes studying.

Use after prepositions:
Gerunds are often used after prepositions in a sentence.

I'm interested in learning a new language.
They apologized for arriving late.

Use as objects of perception verbs:
Gerunds can also be used as the objects of perception verbs, such as "see," "hear," "watch," and "observe."

I saw her running in the park.
He heard them singing a beautiful song.

Use after certain adjectives:
Gerunds can function as direct objects after certain adjectives.

She is afraid of flying.
He is tired of working long hours.

Use gerunds after question words:
When using question words like "what," "where," "when," "why," or "how" to request information or ask for confirmation, you can follow them with gerunds as direct objects.

What are their policies for exchanging damaged goods?
When will you finish writing the report?
Why did you stop running marathons?

Use gerunds after prepositions:
Gerunds can be used as direct objects after prepositions when requesting information or asking for confirmation.

I'm interested in knowing the store's opening hours.
Are you interested in joining our hiking club?
We need your help with organizing the party. 

Use gerunds to inquire about actions or activities:
Gerunds can be used to ask about actions or activities related to the information you are seeking.

Are they currently offering any discounts on their products?
Is there any possibility of extending the store's hours during the holiday season?
Do you mind explaining the process of online ordering?


1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the requested gerund:

(arrive) late to the meeting.

(learn) a new language.

(go) on vacation next month.

(play) the guitar.

(clean) up after everyone.

(start) the project?

(move) to a different city.

(see) her family during the holidays.

(take) care of the paperwork.

(finish) the assignment on time.