Lesson 2

Lección 15/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 2

  • Searching for confirmation

When searching for confirmation, we use specific phrases and expressions to seek agreement or validation from others. This is particularly useful in conversations where we want to ensure that we have understood information correctly or when we want to confirm plans or arrangements. Here are some rules and useful guidelines for searching for confirmation:

  • Clarifying Information: 
  • When you want to verify or clarify information, you can use the following phrases:

Just to make sure, did you say...?
If I understood correctly, you mentioned that...?
Could you please confirm if...?

  • Seeking Agreement: 
  • To seek agreement or confirmation, you can use these expressions:

Do you agree?
Is that correct?
Does that sound right to you?
Am I understanding this correctly?

  • Repeat and Confirm:
  • Another strategy is to repeat the information you heard or understood and ask the other person to confirm if it is accurate:

So, you're saying that...?
Let me summarize what I understood. You mentioned that... Is that correct?

  • Using Yes/No Questions:
  • You can also use simple yes/no questions to confirm specific details or arrangements:

Are we meeting at 3pm?
Did you say the presentation is on Thursday?
Is it the blue one you're referring to?


1. Select the correct option  

Which phrase is used to search for confirmation?

What is the purpose of seeking confirmation?

How can you politely ask for confirmation about someone's name?

How did John feel about capturing moments and experimenting with angles?