Lesson 2

Lección 27/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 2

Infinitives as Direct Objects:

An infinitive is the base form of a verb preceded by the word "to," such as "to buy," "to eat," or "to visit." When an infinitive functions as a direct object, it acts as the receiver of the action in a sentence.


In a sentence, the infinitive as a direct object typically follows a verb or a verb phrase.


I want to buy a new phone.

Verbs that take infinitives as direct objects:

Certain verbs are commonly followed by infinitives as direct objects. These include verbs like "want," "like," "love," "hate," "prefer," "need," and "plan," among others.


She loves to dance.
He needs to finish his homework.

Gerunds vs. Infinitives:

It's important to distinguish between gerunds and infinitives when they function as direct objects. While gerunds are formed by adding "-ing" to the base form of a verb, infinitives are formed by adding "to" before the base form of a verb.


She enjoys dancing. 
She enjoys to dance.
(incorrect usage)

Omission of "to" after certain verbs:

Some verbs are followed by infinitives as direct objects without the preposition "to." These verbs include "make," "let," "help," "see," "hear," "watch," and "feel."


They made him apologize.
Let me help you carry the bags.

Use after adjectives:

Infinitives can also function as direct objects after certain adjectives.


I am happy to see you.
She is excited to start her new job.

Use with "too" and "enough":

Infinitives can be used after "too" and "enough" to indicate an excessive or sufficient degree of something.


The package is too heavy to lift.
She is old enough to drive.


1. Choose the correct option 

where to buy concert tickets? (tell me / telling me / to tell me )

a brochure about the new product? (give me / giving me / to give me )

this item without a receipt? (return / to return / returning )

Italian food? (serving / serve / to serve )

any documents to apply for a store credit card? (bringing / bring / to bring )

2.  Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the requested infinitive or gerund:

(read) books in my free time.

(find) a good restaurant?

(watch) movies rather than going to the theater.

(buy) some groceries for dinner tonight.

(pass) me the salt, please?