Lesson 3

Lección 25/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 3

Applying functions and structures:

Function: Engage in conversations related to food shopping, such as discussing meal plans, preferences, and dietary restrictions with a friend or family member.

Structures: Practice using functional language structures, such as making suggestions, expressing preferences, and asking for recommendations.


Let's buy some fresh vegetables for tonight's dinner.
I prefer organic products because they are healthier.
What do you recommend for a quick and easy breakfast?

Making Requests and Inquiries:

Use polite language when making requests or inquiries at the supermarket. This includes phrases like "Could you," "Can I," or "May I."

Example sentences:

Could you please help me find the organic section?
Can I ask where I can find gluten-free products?
May I know if you have any vegetarian options?

Giving and Receiving Recommendations:

Use expressions to give recommendations or seek suggestions from others. This can be helpful when deciding what products to buy or trying something new.

Example sentences:

I highly recommend the homemade bread. It's delicious!
Have you tried the local honey? It's excellent.
Do you have any recommendations for a good brand of olive oil?

Expressing Preferences:

Use language to express your personal preferences when selecting items at the supermarket.

Example sentences:

I prefer whole-grain pasta over regular pasta.
I like my fruits to be ripe but not overly ripe.
I have a preference for low-fat dairy products

Describing Food Items:

Use descriptive language to talk about food items you are interested in or want to purchase.

Example sentences:

The strawberries look fresh and juicy.
The steak is tender and well-marinated.
The chocolate cake is rich and moist.

Expressing Quantity and Size:

Use appropriate language to express the quantity or size of items you want to purchase.

Example sentences:

I'd like a kilogram of bananas, please.
I need a dozen eggs.
Can I have a small bottle of olive oil?


1. Listen to the audio and answer the questions 

-What does Speaker 1 ask for?

-What does Speaker 1 request?

-What is Speaker 1 looking for?

-What does Speaker 1 inquire about?

2. List the parts of the dialogue in the correct way. (1-7)

Alex: It's a delicious combination of grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, and a tangy sauce.

Lisa: What's in it?

Alex: Awesome! Let me know how you like it.

Alex: It has a bit of a kick, but not too spicy. You can handle it!

Lisa: Alright, I'll give it a shot.

Lisa: Is it spicy?

Alex: Hey, Lisa! You should try the "Chef's Special" dish here. It's really good!