Lesson 3

Lección 7/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 3

Expressing conditions

Expressing conditions in English is done using conditional sentences. These sentences have two parts: the "if" clause (the condition) and the main clause (the result or consequence). The structure of a conditional sentence depends on the type of condition being expressed. Here are the main types of conditional sentences:

Zero Conditional:

This type of conditional sentence expresses general truths or facts. It is used when the condition always leads to the same result. The structure is as follows:

If + present simple, + present simple


If it rains, the ground gets wet.

First Conditional:

This type of conditional sentence expresses a realistic or likely condition and its probable result. The structure is as follows:

If + present simple, + will + base form of the verb


If it rains, we will stay indoors.

Second Conditional:

This type of conditional sentence expresses an unreal or hypothetical condition and its probable result. The structure is as follows:

If + past simple, + would + base form of the verb


If I had more money, I would travel the world.

Third Conditional:

This type of conditional sentence expresses a past unreal condition and its hypothetical result. It talks about a situation that didn't happen in the past. The structure is as follows:

If + past perfect, + would have + past participle


If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.

It's important to note that there are variations and other forms of conditional sentences as well. Additionally, in some cases, "unless" can be used instead of "if not" to express a negative condition.

Activity 1

Write de correct answer.

at home.

hard, she will pass the exam.

on sale.

now, you'll catch the last train.

a picnic if the weather is nice.

that job offer.

around the world.

a promotion.

the test.

to the beach if it weren't so cold.

Activity 2

You will go to camp in the place you are looking at. Now imagine hypothetical situations or future events that could happen there. Create 3 future events and 3 hypothetical situations making use of the second and third conditional. Record yourself when you are ready! 

