Lesson 4

Lección 8/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 4

Use of simple past plus adverbs of manner to express conditions

When using the simple past tense plus adverbs of manner to express conditions, we are describing how something was done in the past. Adverbs of manner describe the way or manner in which an action or event took place. Here are the rules and usage for this construction:

Simple Past Tense: The simple past tense is used to describe completed actions or events that happened in the past. It is formed by adding "-ed" to regular verbs or using the irregular form for irregular verbs.


He walked to the campsite yesterday.

Adverbs of Manner: are words that describe how an action is performed or how something happens. They provide information about the manner or way in which an action takes place. Here's an explanation of how to use adverbs of manner:

1. Placement: Adverbs of manner are usually placed after the verb they modify. For example:

He runs quickly.

She sings beautifully.

They speak loudly.

2. Form: Most adverbs of manner are formed by adding "-ly" to the adjective form. For example:

Adjective: quick --> Adverb: quickly

Adjective: beautiful --> Adverb: beautifully

Adjective: loud --> Adverb: loudly

3. Exceptions: Some adverbs of manner have irregular forms and do not end in "-ly." For example:

Adjective: good --> Adverb: well

Adjective: fast --> Adverb: fast

4. Multiple adverbs: You can use more than one adverb of manner in a sentence to provide additional detail. In such cases, the usual order is to place the adverb of manner before other adverbs. For example:

He spoke very confidently.

She danced gracefully and effortlessly.

5. Using adverbs of manner in questions: Adverbs of manner can also be used to form questions. For example:

How does he run? (Answer: quickly)

How does she sing? (Answer: beautifully)

How do they speak? (Answer: loudly)

Remember that adverbs of manner are used to provide more information about how an action is performed or how something happens. They add detail and description to sentences, making them more precise and expressive.


She walked slowly to avoid tripping over the rocks.

Expressing Conditions: When combining the simple past tense with adverbs of manner to express conditions, we describe how something was done under specific circumstances or conditions in the past.


If it rained heavily, we stayed inside the tent.

In this construction, the adverb of manner adds more information about the way the action was performed in the past. It helps to paint a clearer picture and set the context for the condition being expressed.

It's important to note that when using the simple past tense, it generally refers to a specific time or period in the past. The adverb of manner further specifies the manner in which the action or event took place.

When expressing conditions using the simple past tense plus adverbs of manner, ensure that the verb tense and adverb accurately convey the intended meaning and provide a clear understanding of how the action was performed in the past under certain conditions.


1. Fill in the blanks

She danced across the stage.

He spoke during the presentation.

They worked to finish the project on time.

The cat purred as it was being petted.

The students listened to the teacher's instructions

2. Organize the sentences