Lesson 1

Lección 26/29 | Tiempo de estudio: 40 Min
Lesson 1

  • Requesting Information

1.Use polite language:

When requesting information, it's important to use polite language to show respect and courtesy. You can do this by using phrases such as "Can you," "Could you," or "Would you mind" before your question.


Can you tell me where the nearest pharmacy is?

2.Start with question words:

When asking for specific information, begin your question with question words like "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," or "how."


What time does the store close?

3.Be specific and clear:

Ensure that your request is clear and specific so that the person you're asking can provide you with the information you need.


Do you know if this store sells organic fruits and vegetables?

4.Use indirect questions:

Sometimes, instead of asking a direct question, you can use indirect questions to be more polite.


I'm wondering if you could tell me where the restrooms are.

5.Express uncertainty:

If you are not sure whether the person has the information you're looking for, you can express uncertainty by using phrases like "Do you happen to know" or "I'm not sure, but..."


Do you happen to know if this store offers free Wi-Fi?

6.Thank the person:

It's polite to thank the person after they have provided you with the requested information.


Thank you for letting me know the store's return policy.

7.Use appropriate intonation:

Pay attention to your intonation while requesting information. A rising tone at the end of a question indicates that you're seeking information.


Is there a nearby parking lot? 
 (with a rising tone on "lot")

Awaiting Confirmation:

1. Use polite language:

Just like when requesting information, it's important to use polite language when awaiting confirmation. Use phrases such as "Can you confirm," "Could you please verify," or "I'd like to know" to express your need for confirmation.


Can you confirm if the item is still in stock?

2. Clearly state what you need confirmation for:

Clearly express the specific aspect or information that you require confirmation for.


I'd like to know if the store accepts credit cards.

3.Provide context if necessary:

If the information you need confirmation for requires additional context or details, provide those details to ensure clarity.


Could you please verify if the product comes with a warranty? I remember seeing a sign about it, but I want to make sure.

4. Request verification or double-checking:

Use phrases that indicate you want the person to verify or double-check the information.


Can you double-check if these pants are available in a smaller size?

5. Express uncertainty:

If you're not sure about the information and want confirmation, you can express uncertainty or doubt.


I'm not sure if I understood correctly. Can you confirm if the sale is still ongoing?

6. Thank the person:

Once you receive the confirmation, it's polite to thank the person for providing the information.


Thank you for verifying that the product is in stock.

7. Use appropriate intonation:

While awaiting confirmation, use a questioning intonation to indicate that you're seeking confirmation or verification.


The store opens at 9:00 AM, right? 
(with a rising tone on "AM")


1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences

I help you find something? (can / to / did)

the store opens on Sundays? (when/ to when / at when)

this shirt is on sale. (if/ to if / that if)

you mind confirming the total amount? (Would / To would / Will)