
Lección 22/25 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min


Taking decisions. 


When making a decision, it is important to ________.

  • a) Consider all possible options.

  • b) Choose the first option that comes to mind.

  • c) Avoid thinking about the consequences.


Which of the following is a helpful strategy when faced with a difficult decision?

  • a) Procrastinating and delaying the decision.

  • b) Consulting with others and seeking advice.

  • c) Relying solely on intuition without analyzing the situation.


Decision-making involves evaluating ________.

  • a) Only the positive aspects of a situation.

  • b) Only the negative aspects of a situation.

  • c) Both the positive and negative aspects of a situation.



"Sarah was offered a job promotion that would require her to relocate to a different city. She had to make a decision about whether to accept the promotion or stay in her current position. She carefully analyzed the pros and cons, considering factors such as career growth, salary increase, and the impact on her personal life. After thoughtful consideration, Sarah made the decision to accept the promotion and embrace the new opportunities."

What decision did Sarah have to make?

  • a) Whether to stay in her current position.

  • b) Whether to relocate to a different city for a job promotion.

  • c) Whether to decline the job promotion.


How did Sarah approach her decision-making process?

  • a) By considering the pros and cons and evaluating different factors.

  • b) By relying solely on her intuition without analyzing the situation.


Listening activity:

Conversation - Making Decisions

Alice: Hey, Mark! I've been thinking about changing my job. I feel like I need a new challenge and better opportunities. What do you think?

Mark: That's a big decision, Alice. Have you considered all the factors? Salary, work-life balance, and career growth are important considerations.

Alice: Absolutely. I've been weighing the pros and cons of staying in my current job versus exploring new options. I also made a list of my skills and what I want in a new job.

Mark: Good idea. Taking everything into account is essential. It's important to find a job that aligns with your interests and long-term goals.

Alice: I agree. I've been researching different companies and their job openings. I want to make an informed decision and choose the right path for my career.

Mark:That's smart. It's always good to consider all the options. Have you thought about seeking advice from a career counselor or someone experienced in your field?

Alice: Yes, I've been talking to a career coach, and it has been helpful. They have provided guidance and helped me see things from a different perspective.

Mark: Great. It's important to gather insights from others and learn from their experiences. Finally, you should trust your instincts and go with what feels right for you.

Why is Alice considering changing her job?

  • a) She is unhappy with her salary.

  • b) She wants a new challenge and better opportunities.

  • c) She doesn't get along with her coworkers.


What factors is Alice considering while making her decision?

  • a) Salary, work-life balance, and career growth.

  • b) Company culture and employee benefits.

  • c) Commute time and office location.


How did Alice make an informed decision?

  • a) By seeking advice from friends and family.

  • b) By flipping a coin to decide.

  • c) By researching different companies and job openings.


Who did Alice seek advice from regarding her career decision?

  • a) Her coworkers.

  • b) A career counselor or coach.

  • c) Online forums and social media.


What does Mark suggest Alice should trust when making her decision?

  • a) Her instincts and what feels right for her.

  • b) The reputation of the company.

  • c) The advice of others.



Practice your pronunciation

Imagine that you have an important decision to make in your life. Record yourself explaining what decision you have to make and how you are preparing for it. Include the factors you are considering, how you are evaluating the options, and what you would like to accomplish with your decision.
