Lesson 1

Lección 18/25 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 1

Expressing purpose and objectives

In the context of "Dreaming of becoming famous," let's explore the English language concepts of expressing purpose and objectives, taking decisions, and the use of passive voice and first conditional.

Here are some important expressions to express purpose and objectives.

To + verb:  Used to indicate the purpose of an action or what someone wants to achieve

I went to the store to buy some groceries.

In order to + verb: Similar to "to + verb," it also expresses purpose or intention.
She studied hard in order to pass the exam.

So that + subject + can/could + verb: Shows the purpose of an action, emphasizing the result.
He bought a new car so that he can travel more comfortably.

For + noun / gerund: Indicates the reason or purpose for doing something.
She joined the dance class for improving her skills.

With the purpose of + gerund / with the aim of + gerund: Used to express a specific objective.

The company organized a meeting with the purpose of discussing the new project.

To achieve + noun / to accomplish + noun: Demonstrates what someone wants to achieve.

The team worked hard to achieve their sales targets.

With the intention of + gerund: Indicates the intention behind an action.

They started the campaign with the intention of raising awareness.

In order that + subject + may/might + verb: Similar to "so that + subject + can/could + verb," it also expresses purpose.

The meeting was held early in order that everyone might attend.

  • Expressing Purpose and Objectives:

    When we talk about expressing purpose and objectives, we use specific language structures to convey our intentions and goals. We can use phrases such as "in order to," "with the aim of," or "to fulfill" to express purpose.
I work hard in order to achieve my dream of becoming famous.
She started taking acting classes with the aim of becoming a renowned actress.

  • Expressing Purpose:

    To express purpose, we often use prepositions such as "to," "for," and "in order to." These prepositions are followed by a verb or a noun phrase to indicate the reason or goal behind an action.
I study singing to become a famous singer.
She works hard for her dream of becoming a renowned actress.

  • Expressing Ambitions:

    To express ambitions or aspirations, we use phrases like "dream of," "aim to," or "hope to." These phrases convey a strong desire to achieve a particular goal.
I dream of becoming a household name in the music industry.
He aims to reach the pinnacle of success as an actor.

If you want to express your purposes or goals in a written way, read and follow the following steps to make it real.


Setting the context and grabbing the reader's attention.

I believe that having clear goals and finding inspiration in life is important 
for personal growth and happiness.


Main goals:

Stating the author's main goals.

One of my main goals is to continue my education and earn a master's degree in Business 
Administration. I think that gaining advanced knowledge in this field will create new 
career opportunities and help me become a better leader.


Supporting details:

Providing additional information and elaboration for each goal.

Not only will a master's degree improve my knowledge and skills, but it will also boost 
my confidence and credibility in the business world. I am passionate about exploring 
new business strategies and contributing to the success of companies.


Summarizing the main points and reaffirming commitment.

In conclusion, setting goals is crucial for personal growth. By pursuing 
higher education, I am dedicated to continuous improvement and making a 
positive impact in my personal and professional life.

Purpose activity.

Choose an option that best expresses the purpose of the sentence. 


  • a) because I want to improve my grades.

  • b) so I can go to the party.

  • c) even though I don't like the subject.


  • a) to buy a new car.

  • b) to waste it.

  • c) although he has enough already.


  • a) so we can communicate with our neighbors.

  • b) although we have no interest in learning a new language.

  • c) because it's a mandatory class.


  • a) for

  • b) to

  • c) with the purpose of

improve her public speaking skills. 


  • a) to

  • b) in order to

  • c) so that

achieve their sales targets for this quarter.


  • a) for

  • b) so that

  • c) with the intention of

buy a new laptop.


  • a) with the aim of

  • b) to achieve

  • c) in order that

increase employees' productivity. 


  • a) with the purpose of

  • b) in order to

  • c) so that

pass their exams.


  • a) so that

  • b) with the intention of

  • c) for

everyone may have enough time to contribute. 

Activity 2.

Read the following text and answer the questions.

Title: "Setting Goals for Success"

Setting clear goals is crucial for achieving success. Whether it's in your personal life or professional career, having objectives helps provide direction and motivation. By defining your purpose and outlining specific targets, you can focus your efforts and measure your progress. It's important to set realistic and attainable goals that align with your values and aspirations.

Why is setting goals important?

  • a) It provides direction and motivation.

  • b) It guarantees success.

  • c) It helps measure progress.


What should goals be?

  • a) Realistic and attainable.

  • b) Challenging and impossible.

  • c) Irrelevant to one's values and aspirations.
