Lesson 1

Lección 7/25 | Tiempo de estudio: 30 Min
Lesson 1

Changing money

When it comes to changing money, there are a few things you should know that will help you navigate the process and improve your English language skills. Here are some key points to consider.

Basic vocabulary

The type of money used in a specific country (e.g., US dollars, euros, pounds).
Exchange rate
The value of one currency compared to another.
Paper money.
A small, metal form of currency.
Physical money in the form of banknotes and coins.

Language expressions for exchanging money

Excuse me, where can I exchange currency? (To ask for directions to a currency exchange place.)
What is the exchange rate for [currency A] to [currency B]? (To inquire about the current rate.)
I'd like to change [amount of money] into [currency]. (To specify the amount and currency you want to exchange.)
Could you please give me some small bills? (To request smaller denomination banknotes.)
Do you accept credit cards? (To check if you can pay with a credit card instead of cash.)

Making Offers.

Making offers is an important aspect of communication, especially when negotiating or proposing something. Here are some key points to consider that will help you improve your English language skills and effectively express offers

Basic vocabulary

A suggestion or proposal made to someone.
A formal offer or suggestion.
The process of discussing and reaching an agreement through compromise.
A response to an initial offer, usually with a different proposal.

Language expressions for making offers

Can I make you an offer? (To initiate the conversation.)
How about...? (To propose a specific option.)
I'd like to offer you... (To express your offer.)
What if...? (To suggest a hypothetical situation or alternative.)
Let's negotiate and find a mutually beneficial solution. (To encourage discussion and compromise.)

Buying and saying prices

Buying and saying prices are essential skills for effective communication when purchasing goods or services. Here are some key points to consider that will help you improve your English language skills and effectively express buying and pricing

Basic vocabulary

The amount of money required to purchase an item or service.
The total amount of money needed to buy something.
A reduction in price.
An agreement to buy or sell goods at a lower price.
A document that specifies the details and cost of goods or services.

Language expressions for buying and saying prices

How much does it cost? (To ask about the price of a specific item.)
What's the price of [item]? (To inquire about the cost of a particular product.)
Can you give me a discount? (To request a lower price.)
Is this the best price you can offer? (To negotiate for a better deal.)
I'd like to buy [item]. (To express your intention to purchase something.)

Pricing in different contexts

Shopping at a store: "How much does this shirt cost?"
Negotiating in a market: "Can you give me a discount on this handbag?"
Booking services: "What's the price for a one-hour massage?"
Online shopping: "I found this product for a lower price on another website. Can you match it?"

Discussing future plans and intentions

Discussing future plans and intentions is an important aspect of communication, especially when talking about goals, aspirations, or upcoming events. Here are some key points to consider that will help you improve your English language skills and effectively express future plans and intentions

Basic vocabulary

Future: Time that is yet to come.
Plan: A detailed proposal for achieving something in the future.
Intention: A purpose or aim.
Goal: Something you want to achieve in the future.
Event: An occasion or happening.

Language expressions for discussing future plans and intentions

I'm planning to... (To express your intention or goal.)
I intend to... (To state your purpose or aim.)
My plan is to... (To describe your future plan.)
We are considering... (To discuss a possibility or option.)
In the future, I hope to... (To express your aspirations.)

Expressing Sudden Decisions

Basic vocabulary

Decision: A choice or conclusion made after considering different options.
Sudden: Unexpected or done quickly without much thought.
Spontaneous: Acting on impulse or without prior planning.
Change of plans: Altering a previously made decision or course of action.

Language expressions for expressing sudden decisions

I've decided to... (To announce a sudden decision.)
I've made up my mind to... (To state a firm decision.)
Out of the blue, I've decided that... (To describe a decision made unexpectedly.)
I've had a change of plans. (To indicate a shift in previously decided actions.)
On a whim, I've decided to... (To express a decision made impulsively.)

Examples of expressing sudden decisions

I've decided to quit my job and pursue my passion for photography.
Out of the blue, I've decided to book a spontaneous trip to Paris.
I've had a change of plans. Instead of going to the party, I'm going to stay home and relax.
On a whim, I've decided to adopt a puppy from the animal shelter.