
Lección 10/25 | Tiempo de estudio: 5 Min

"Differing opinions" refers to situations where people have different perspectives, viewpoints, or beliefs about a particular topic or issue. It often involves expressing agreement or disagreement and discussing contrasting points of view. In the context of "What a marvelous surprise!", differing opinions could arise when discussing the surprise itself or any related aspects.

"Differing opinions" can also lead to discussing probability. Probability refers to the likelihood or chance of something happening. In this context, you might discuss the likelihood of the surprise occurring or the possibility of future surprises. Expressing probability often involves using modal verbs like "might," "could," or "may."

Furthermore, the topic of "What a marvelous surprise!" can also involve discussing the process of checking out of a hotel. This includes expressing requests, asking for information, and dealing with hotel staff. Common phrases and vocabulary related to checking out of a hotel include:
Could you please provide me with the final bill?
I would like to settle my account.
Is there any outstanding balance?
Can you arrange a taxi for me to the airport?

Finally, the topic of "What a marvelous surprise!" can touch upon possible and probable conditions, specifically using the first conditional and superlatives. The first conditional is used to discuss possible future events or conditions and often consists of an if-clause (conditional clause) and a main clause. Superlatives are used to compare three or more items, expressing the highest degree or quality.

These language elements are used to express possibilities, likelihoods, and comparisons when discussing the surprises, conditions, and experiences related to the theme of "What a marvelous surprise!"