
Lección 6/25 | Tiempo de estudio: 15 Min


Situation: How much does this shirt cost?

  • a) It's very expensive.

  • b) It costs $20.

  • c) I don't know.


Situation: Do you have this t-shirt in a larger size?

  • a) The shop opens at 9 in the morning.

  • b) You need to pay for it.

  • c) Yes, I’ll find you another one in that specific size.


When making a phone call to inquire about a product

  • a) Can I pay with cash?.

  • b) Is the product in stock?.

  • c) What time do you close?.


Read the following dialogue and answer the questions:

Hello, I'm interested in buying a laptop.
Certainly! We have a wide range of laptops available. What are your requirements?
Well, I need a laptop for both work and personal use. I'll be using it for writing 
documents, browsing the internet, and occasionally editing photos.
Great! Based on your needs, I recommend a laptop with a fast processor and ample 
storage. Are you interested in a specific brand or operating system?
I don't have a particular brand in mind. I would like you to recommend one brand.
Of course, I will show you many of them. Follow me!
Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate your expertise and assistance.

Who is interested in buying a laptop?

  • a) Sarah.

  • b) Store Assistant.


What does the store assistant say in response?

  • a) They don't have any laptops.

  • b) They have a wide range of laptops available.


What are Sarah’s requirements?

  • a) She needs a laptop for work.

  • b) She needs a laptop for both work and personal use.



Imagine you want to buy a book. You are going to call the library to ask many questions about the book that you want. Ask for different types of books, prices, discounts, and say thank you.


Use of comparative structures to talk about superiority and inferiority

than the Statue of Liberty.

Select the appropriate adjective to complete the comparison

  • a) smarter.

  • b) smartest.

  • c) more smart.

than her sister.

Select the appropriate adjective to complete the comparison

  • a) more delicious

  • b) deliciouser

  • c) most delicious

pizza I have ever tasted.

Select the appropriate adjective to complete the comparison

  • a) healthier

  • b) more healthy

  • c) health

than sitting on the couch all day.

Select the appropriate adjective to complete the comparison

  • a) coldest

  • b) the coldest

Read the following interview

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives.
Pay attention to the context and meaning of the sentences to choose the appropriate form.

Interviewer: Good morning, everyone! Today, we have two candidates for the "Best Employee of the Month" award. Let's start with the first candidate, Sarah. Can you tell us about your achievements this month? 

Sarah: Good morning! This month, I have worked hard to increase sales in our department. I managed to sell 20% (many) products than last month, which resulted in a significant increase in revenue. 

Interviewer: Impressive, Sarah! Now let's hear from our second candidate, Mike. Mike, what have you been working on this month?

Mike: Good morning! This month, I focused on improving customer satisfaction. I received the (good) feedback from our clients, and our customer service ratings have improved by 15% (high) compared to last month.

Interviewer: That's great to hear, Mike! Both of you have done a fantastic job. Now, let's move on to the next question. How do you handle difficult situations in the workplace?

Sarah: I believe in finding solutions calmly and efficiently. Last week, we faced a challenging situation with a demanding client. I managed to handle the issue (well) than anyone else in the team.

Mike: When dealing with difficult situations, I always try to remain calm and understanding. In fact, I think I am the (calm) person in the office during stressful times.

Interviewer: Wonderful responses from both of you! Now, for the final question, what motivates you to excel in your work?

Sarah: I am passionate about my job, and I constantly strive to be the (good) at what I do. Being recognized as the "Best Employee of the Month" would be a great honor and motivation for me.

Mike: I am competitive by nature, and I always aim to be the (successful) in everything I do. Winning this award would be a significant achievement for me and would drive me to perform even better.

Interviewer: Thank you, Sarah and Mike, for your outstanding efforts and dedication. We will announce the winner of the award tomorrow. Good luck to both of you!