Lesson 1

Lección 16/25 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 1

Expressing Purpose Using Prepositions of Place

In English, we use prepositions of place to express the purpose or destination of an action. These prepositions help us convey why someone is going to a particular location or what they intend to do there. Let's take a look at some common prepositions of place used to express purpose:

  • To: We use "to" to indicate the destination or purpose of an action.
  • For example
I went to the supermarket to buy groceries.
She went to the park to meet her friends.

  • For: We use "for" to express the intended purpose of an action.
  • For example
He bought a new laptop for studying.
They went to the gym for exercise.

  • At: We use "at" to indicate the specific location or place where an action is happening.
  • For example
They gathered at the restaurant for a celebration.
He arrived at the office for a meeting.

  • In: We use "in" to express the purpose of being inside a particular place.
  • For example
She stayed in the library to study.
They stayed in the hotel for vacation.

  • On: We use "on" to indicate the purpose of being on or using something.
  • For example
He got on the bus
She went on the internet searching for information.

By using these prepositions of place, we can clearly express the purpose or destination of an action. It helps to provide more context and clarity to our statements. Remember to choose the appropriate preposition based on the specific situation and intended meaning.

Practice Activity: 

Now, let's practice using prepositions of place to express purpose. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct preposition: to, for, at, in, on.

She stood

the chair

reach the top shelf.

They gathered

the park

a picnic.

He climbed up the ladder

fix the roof.

We sat

the table.


She walks along the beach


When it comes to expressing purpose using prepositions of place, we use specific prepositions to indicate why someone is going to a particular location or what their intended action is. Let's explore the rules and usage of prepositions of place for expressing purpose, with the theme of "A new barman."

  • "To" is used to indicate the destination or goal of an action:
I'm going to the bar to start my shift as a new barman.
She went to the kitchen to prepare drinks for the customers.

  • "For" is used to express the intended purpose or reason for going to a place:
He went to the bar for training as a new barman.
They went to the brewery for learning about different types of beer.

  • "At" is used to specify the location where an action takes place:
I'll be at the bar serving drinks to the customers.
The barman is always at the counter taking orders.

  • "In" is used to express being inside a particular place for a specific purpose:
He spent hours in the storage room organizing the bar supplies.
She will be in the back office handling paperwork and inventory.

  • "On" is used to indicate using or being on something for a purpose:
The barman relies on the POS system for processing payments.

Remember that the choice of preposition depends on the specific context and intended meaning. Using the appropriate preposition helps convey the purpose clearly and effectively.

🍸 Example

As a new barman, your purpose is to serve customers and provide an enjoyable experience. 
You go to the bar to start your shift. You are at the counter, preparing drinks and taking orders.
You may be in the storage room organizing supplies or in the back office handling paperwork.
You rely on the POS system to process payments.
All these prepositions of place express different purposes and actions within the bar setting.

By using prepositions of place, you can effectively communicate the purpose
and destination of an action in relation to a specific place or location.

Robot bartender: The bar where machines mix drinks - BBC News