Lesson 2

Lección 27/33 | Tiempo de estudio: 30 Min
Lesson 2

Describing the Weather using Present Perfect and Past Simple with Indefinite Pronouns:

When describing the weather, you can use the present perfect and past simple tenses, along with indefinite pronouns, to talk about general experiences or specific events. Here are some examples:

Present Perfect (general experiences):

It has been sunny lately.

We have had a lot of rain this month.

People have worn light clothing during the summer.

Past Simple (specific events):

Yesterday, it rained heavily.

Last week, we had a thunderstorm.

Two days ago, it was very windy.

In these examples, indefinite pronouns like "lately," "this month," "during the summer," "yesterday," "last week," and "two days ago" help provide a specific time frame for the weather events.

Remember to use the present perfect tense when talking about general experiences without specifying a particular time, and use the past simple tense when referring to specific events in the past.


1. Complete each sentence using the correct tense (Present Perfect or Past Simple) and the corresponding indefinite pronoun. Select the correct option or fill in the blank fields.

a. It ________ (rain) all day yesterday.

b. ________ (anybody/see) the sunshine today?

c. We ________ (experience) a lot of snow last winter.

d. ________ (someone/feel) the strong winds last night?

e. Sarah ________ (never/visit) a place with such extreme temperatures.

2. Speaking Activity:  

Record yourself talking about what you see in the pictures using the past simple.

For example, you can start:

"It rained all day yesterday."
"The sun was shining brightly this morning."

After, add more information that you can imagine seeing the pictures. 


Record yourself talking about what you see in the pictures using the past simple.
