Lesson 3

Lección 4/33 | Tiempo de estudio: 30 Min
Lesson 3

  •  Talking about the Recent Past:

    Talking about the Recent Past is a common skill in English that allows you to describe actions or events that happened in the near past. This is usually done using specific time expressions or adverbs that indicate the recentness of the action. Here are some key points to help you understand and use this language skill effectively:

  • Time Expressions:

"Just": Indicates an action that happened a very short time ago.

  • For example:
"I just finished my homework."

  • "Recently": Refers to something that occurred in the recent past.

  • For example:
"I recently visited Paris."

  • "Lately": Describes actions or events that have happened in the recent period.

  • For example:
"I've been feeling tired lately."

  • In the past few days/weeks/months: In the past few weeks, I have been studying for my exams.
  • Over the last [time period]: Over the last month, I have been traveling to different countries.
  • Not long ago: I met Sarah not long ago, and we became good friends.
  • In the last little while: In the last little while, I have been working on improving my cooking skills.
  • In the past couple of [time unit]: In the past couple of days, I have been binge-watching a new TV series.
  • As of late: As of late, I have been focusing on my health and fitness.

  • Verb Forms:

  • Present Perfect Tense:
  • This tense is commonly used to talk about recent past actions or experiences. It is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "have" (in the appropriate form) with the past participle of the main verb.

  • For example:
"I have seen that movie before."

  • Past Simple Tense: While the present perfect tense is the most common for recent past events, the past simple tense can also be used when referring to a specific point in the recent past.

  • For example:
"I saw her at the party last night."

  • Examples
"I have just finished my dinner."
"She has recently started a new job."
"They have traveled a lot lately."
"He saw a great movie last weekend."
"We have studied English for the past two months."

  • Using the past simple tense to talk about specific past actions:
  • "I went to the beach yesterday."

     Using time expressions:
    yesterday, last week, a few days ago, etc.

    Using time expressions is an important aspect of learning English as it allows you to convey specific information about when an action or event took place. Time expressions help you provide context and clarity in your communication.

  • Here are some key points to understand and use time expressions effectively:

  • Time Adverbs/Adverbial Phrases:

  • "Yesterday": Refers to the day before today.

  • For example:
"I went to the beach yesterday."

  • "Last week/month/year": Describes an action or event that occurred in the previous week, month, or year.

  • For example:
"We traveled to Europe last year."

  • "Next week/month/year": Indicates a future action or event that will take place in the following week, month, or year.

  • For example:
"I have an important meeting next week."

  • "In the morning/afternoon/evening": Specifies a particular time of day when an action occurred.

  • For example:
"We had breakfast in the morning."

  • Prepositions of Time:
    "On": Used to specify days of the week or specific dates.

  • For example:
"I have a meeting on Monday."

  • "At": Used to indicate specific times.

  • For example:
"The concert starts at 7 p.m."

  • "In": Used to refer to longer periods of time, such as months, seasons, or years.

  • For example:
"She will graduate in June."

  • Frequency Adverbs:

  • "Always": Indicates that something happens all the time.

  • For example:
"He always arrives early."

  • "Sometimes": Suggests occasional occurrences.

  • For example:
"I sometimes go to the gym."

  • "Often": Indicates a high frequency of an action.

  • For example:
"She often visits her grandparents."

  • "Never": Denotes that something does not happen at all.

  • For example:
"They never eat fast food."

  • Usually: This adverb indicates that the action or event happens most of the time or in general.

  • For Example:
I usually eat breakfast at home.

  • Occasionally: This adverb indicates that the action or event happens infrequently or once in a while.

  • For Example:
I occasionally treat myself to a nice dinner at a restaurant.

  • Rarely/Seldom: These adverbs indicate that the action or event happens very rarely or hardly ever.

  • Example:

She rarely goes out at night.


    1. Read the next text and respond the questions, with true or false

    "I went to a concert last night. The band played all their hit songs, and the crowd was ecstatic. After the concert, I met my friends at a café and we talked about our favorite moments from the show. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget."






2. Listen to the phrases and try to practice your pronunciation

I just finished reading a great book yesterday.
We went to a new restaurant for dinner last night.
She visited her grandparents over the weekend.
They watched a thrilling movie at the cinema on Friday.
We had a fun game night with friends a few days ago.
He completed his project just a few hours ago.
She traveled to Paris for a conference last week.
We attended a memorable concert two days ago.
They celebrated their anniversary at a fancy restaurant recently.
I met an old friend for coffee earlier today.


Practice your pronunciation, repeat each of the phrases.


3.  Order the phrases

For example:


4.  Reading activity: 

A few weeks ago, I embarked on an exciting journey to explore a new city. Over the last month, I had been planning this adventure, eagerly anticipating the sights and experiences it would bring. Not long ago, I arrived at the bustling metropolis, feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity. In the past couple of days, I have explored historic landmarks, tasted delicious local cuisine, and immersed myself in the vibrant culture of the city. Recently, I visited a renowned museum that left me in awe of its magnificent art collection. In the last little while, I have made new friends and created unforgettable memories. As of late, this adventure has expanded my horizons and led myself to explore even more.

When did the narrator embark on the journey?

How long had the narrator been planning the adventure?

How did the narrator feel upon arriving at the city?

What did the narrator do recently?

What effect did the adventure have on the narrator?