Lesson 1

Lección 12/33 | Tiempo de estudio: 15 Min
Lesson 1

Expressions of time (For, Since, During, Agreement, Disagreement)

When talking about the duration of time in English, we use different expressions and phrases to indicate how long an action or event lasts.

These expressions help us provide information about the length of time something takes or how long it has been going on. Let's explore some common ways to express duration:

"For": We use "for" to indicate a specific length of time. It is followed by a period of time, such as minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.


"We stayed on the Isle of Wight for two weeks."

"During": We use "during" to refer to a particular time period or an event that happens within a longer duration.


"During our visit to the Isle of Wight, we explored many beautiful beaches."

"Over": We use "over" to talk about a span of time or a period that covers the entire duration.


"Over the weekend, we enjoyed various outdoor activities on the Isle of Wight."

"Throughout": We use "throughout" to indicate that something happens continuously or repeatedly during the entire duration.


"Throughout our stay, we experienced the natural beauty and charm of the Isle of Wight."

"From...to/until": We use "from...to/until" to specify the starting and ending points of a duration.


"We traveled to the Isle of Wight from Monday to Friday."

"Since": We use "since" to indicate the starting point of a duration that is still ongoing.


"We have been exploring the Isle of Wight since last summer"

"Over the course of": We use "over the course of" to talk about something that happens gradually or develops during a period of time.


"Over the course of a month, we discovered the hidden gems of the Isle of Wight."

It's important to use these expressions correctly to convey the intended duration of time. By incorporating them into your English conversations, you can effectively communicate how long an action or event lasts. So, let's practice expressing duration and make the most of our time on the beautiful Isle of Wight!

More examples:

Type Phrase
I have been studying English for five years.
During the summer, we went swimming every day.
Over the weekend, I visited my family.
She remained calm throughout the entire presentation.
The store is open from 9 am to 6 pm.
I have been working here since January.
Over the course of:
Over the course of a year, he lost 20 pounds.