Lesson 2

Lección 13/33 | Tiempo de estudio: 30 Min
Lesson 2

In English, there are various ways to express agreement or to show that you agree with someone's opinion or suggestion. These expressions are commonly used in conversations, discussions, and everyday interactions. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use to express agreement:

"I agree": This is a straightforward way to show your agreement with someone's statement or idea. For example, if someone suggests, "Let's go to the Isle of Wight," you can respond, "I agree. It sounds like a great idea."

"That's a good point": When someone makes a valid argument or presents a convincing idea, you can acknowledge it by saying, "That's a good point." For instance, if someone says, "The Isle of Wight has beautiful beaches," you can respond, "That's a good point. I've heard the beaches there are amazing."

"Absolutely": This is an emphatic way of expressing strong agreement. For example, if someone suggests, "We should visit Osborne House," you can respond, "Absolutely! It's a must-see attraction on the Isle of Wight."

"I couldn't agree more": This phrase indicates that you strongly agree with someone's statement. For instance, if someone says, "The Isle of Wight offers stunning coastal views," you can reply, "I couldn't agree more. The coastal scenery is breathtaking."

"You're right": This is a simple way to acknowledge that someone's opinion or idea is correct. For example, if someone says, "The Isle of Wight has a rich history," you can respond, "You're right. It's known for its historical landmarks."

"I'm on board": This phrase means that you are in agreement and ready to participate or support the suggested plan. For instance, if someone proposes, "Let's explore the Needles Park," you can say, "I'm on board. Let's go."

Remember, when expressing agreement, it's important to use appropriate intonation and body language to convey your agreement sincerely. These phrases can help you engage in conversations and express your agreement effectively.


Sherlock: "We should investigate the mysterious case together."
Watson: "Agreed. Our combined skills will surely crack the case."

Frodo: "Let's embark on the quest to destroy the One Ring."
Gandalf: "I concur. It's a perilous journey, but it must be done."

Harry: "We should join Dumbledore's Army and learn defense against the dark arts."
Hermione: "Absolutely! It's essential for our safety in the wizarding world."

Luke: "We must confront Darth Vader and restore balance to the Force."
Leia: "I'm with you. The galaxy's fate depends on our actions."

Katniss: "Let's rebel against the Capitol and fight for justice."
Peeta: "You're right. It's time to stand up and challenge the oppressive regime."

Captain America: "We need to assemble the Avengers and save the world."
Iron Man: "I agree. Together, we can overcome any threat that comes our way."


Word Meaning
Estar de acuerdo
Consenting party
Parte que consiente
Consensus of opinion
Consenso de opinión
Concurrence of views
Convergencia de puntos de vista
Construcción de consenso


How to make a paragraph to express agreement. Read the following steps. 

Understand the Topic: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the topic or statement with which you are agreeing. Identify the main idea or argument you want to support in your paragraph.

Introduction: Begin your paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states your agreement with the statement. This sentence should provide an overview of your stance and set the tone for the rest of the paragraph.

For example: your topic is “The benefits of reading”. Therefore, a topic sentence would be “I firmly believe that reading is a gateway to knowledge, imagination, and personal growth”. You are stating your agreement with reading. 

Supporting Points: Present two or three supporting points or reasons that justify your agreement. These points should be specific and relevant to the topic. Each supporting point should be discussed in a separate sentence. To support your supporting points you can use examples, personal experiences, facts, statistics, or anecdotes. Providing specific examples helps to strengthen your argument and make it more persuasive.

Connective Words and Phrases: Use connective words and phrases to smoothly transition between your supporting points and to show logical connections. For example: 

Additionally: Additionally, reading enhances vocabulary and language skills, allowing individuals to express themselves more effectively.

Furthermore: Furthermore, studies have shown that reading improves cognitive abilities such as critical thinking and problem-solving.

Moreover: Moreover, reading provides an avenue for escapism and relaxation, offering a break from the stresses of daily life.

Similarly: Similarly, engaging with different genres and perspectives through reading promotes empathy and understanding of diverse cultures.

Likewise: Likewise, reading stimulates imagination and creativity, fostering original thinking and innovative ideas.

In addition: In addition to the intellectual benefits, reading has been linked to improved mental health and reduced stress levels.

Not only... but also: Not only reading broadens knowledge and expands horizons, but it also sparks curiosity and a thirst for lifelong learning.

It is clear/evident/obvious that: It is evident that reading opens doors to new worlds, ideas, and possibilities.

Concluding Sentence: End your paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your main points and restates your agreement with the original statement. This sentence should wrap up your paragraph and leave a strong impression on the reader.

True or false:

  a) Expressing agreement is a way to show disagreement.

  b) Agreeing with someone means having the same opinion or point of view.

  c) Using phrases like "I completely disagree" or "I can't stand that idea" indicates agreement.

  d) Expressing agreement is an important skill in effective communication.

  e) Agreeing with someone doesn't require active listening or understanding their perspective.


  g) Expressing agreement can help build rapport and strengthen relationships.

  h) Agreeing with someone's opinion means you have to compromise your own beliefs.

  i) Using non-verbal cues like nodding or smiling can also indicate agreement.

  j) Expressing disagreement is always more beneficial than expressing agreement