Lesson 4

Lección 15/33 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 4
Prepositions of Movement

"Prepositions of Movement" is a topic that deals with the prepositions used to describe movement or direction in English. These prepositions help us indicate how something or someone moves from one place to another.

Here are some commonly used prepositions of movement:

    To: Indicates movement toward a specific destination.

🔊We're going to the Isle of Wight.

    From: Indicates movement away or starting point.

We're traveling from London to the Isle of Wight.

    Into: Indicates movement toward the inside or entering a place.

We're going into the castle to explore.

    Out of: Indicates movement away from the inside or leaving a place.

We're coming out of the museum after the tour.

    Up: Indicates movement in a vertical direction, going higher.

We're climbing up the hill for a better view.

    Down: Indicates movement in a vertical direction, going lower.

We're walking down the stairs to the beach.

    Along: Indicates movement in a parallel direction or following a path.

We're strolling along the promenade enjoying the view.

    Across: Indicates movement from one side to another, typically crossing something.

We're swimming across the river to reach the other side.

    Through: Indicates movement from one end to the other or passing within something.

We're hiking through the forest to reach the waterfall.

    Towards: Indicates movement in the direction of someone or something.

We're walking towards the lighthouse.

Understanding and correctly using prepositions of movement is essential for giving clear directions, describing travel experiences, and discussing movement-related activities. By practicing these prepositions in the context of "Let's go to the Isle of Wight," you can enhance your ability to express and understand movement and directions accurately.


1. Prepositions of Movement (Preposiciones de movimiento): a) Complete the following sentences using the correct prepositions of movement: to, from, into, out of, through, across, around.