Lesson 2

Lección 8/33 | Tiempo de estudio: 35 Min
Lesson 2

When discussing the present, we often use the simple present tense.

1. Discussing the present:

Here are some rules and examples:

We use the simple present to talk about general truths, habits, and routines.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
I usually go for a run in the morning.

We also use the simple present to express facts or describe ongoing situations.

She works as a teacher.
The sun sets in the west.


It is formed using the base form of the verb (infinitive) for all subjects except the third person singular, which adds an "-s" or "-es" to the verb.


I work from Monday to Friday.
She plays the guitar.
They live in New York.
We often go to the beach.
The sun rises in the east.


 I don't work.
You don't work.
He/she/it doesn't work.
We don't work.
They don't work.


Do I work?
Do you work?
Does he/she/it work?
Do we work?
Do they work?

The third person singular uses “does” to form the question. 

2. Discussing the past:
To discuss the past, we use different past tenses based on the specific time reference or situation. Here are some rules and examples:

Simple Past:
We use the simple past to talk about completed actions or events in the past.

I visited my grandparents last weekend.
They played soccer yesterday.


I studied.
You studied.
He/she/it studied.
We studied.
They studied.


I didn't study.
You didn't study.
He/she/it didn't study.
We didn't study.
They didn't study.


Did I study?
Did you study?
Did he/she/it study?
Did we study?
Did they study?

In the past simple tense, the auxiliary verb "did" is used to form questions for all subjects.

When forming questions, the auxiliary verb is placed at the beginning of the sentence, and the subject and main verb follow.

Past Continuous:

We use the past continuous to describe ongoing actions or events in the past.

She was studying all night for her exam.
They were watching a movie when the power went out.


I was studying all night for the exam.
They were playing football in the park.
She was cooking dinner when the phone rang.


He wasn't watching TV when I arrived.
We weren't working on the project together.
They weren't attending the conference last week.


Were you sleeping when the storm started?
Was he playing the guitar at the party?
Were they talking about their vacation plans?

Past Perfect:

We use the past perfect to express actions or events that happened before another past action or time.

I had already eaten dinner when she arrived.
They had finished the project before the deadline.


I had eaten.
You had eaten.
He/she/it had eaten.
We had eaten.
They had eaten.


I had not (hadn't) eaten.
You had not (hadn't) eaten.
He/she/it had not (hadn't) eaten.
We had not (hadn't) eaten.
They had not (hadn't) eaten.


Had I eaten?
Had you eaten?
Had he/she/it eaten?
Had we eaten?
Had they eaten?

3. Discussing the future:

When discussing the future, we use different verb forms and expressions. Here are some rules and examples:

Simple Future:
We use the simple future to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future.

I will meet you at the airport tomorrow.
They will start their vacation next week.


I will go.
You will go.
He/she/it will go.
We will go.
They will go.


I will not (won't) go.
You will not (won't) go.
He/she/it will not (won't) go.
We will not (won't) go.
They will not (won't) go.


Will I go?
Will you go?
Will he/she/it go?
Will we go?
Will they go?

Going to Future:

We use the "be going to" form to talk about planned or intended actions in the future.

She is going to visit her family over the weekend.
We are going to have a party on Friday.

"Going to" Construction:


I am going to go
You are going to go.
He/she/it is going to go.
We are going to go
They are going to go


I am not (I'm not) going to go
You are not (You're not) going to go.
He/she/it is not (isn't) going to go.
We are not (We're not) going to go.
They are not (They're not) going to go.


Am I going to go?
Are you going to go?
Is he/she/it going to go?
Are we going to go?
Are they going to go?

Future Continuous:
We use the future continuous to describe ongoing actions or events that will happen in the future.

They will be traveling to Europe this time next year.
I will be studying for my exams throughout the weekend.

Remember, these are just a few examples and guidelines for discussing the present, past, and future. English tenses can be quite complex, so it's important to practice and familiarize yourself with various verb forms and their specific uses.


Word Meaning
Modelar o dar forma
Teléfonos inteligentes
Smart home devices
Dispositivos para el hogar inteligente
Computing power
Potencia de cómputo
Rapid pace
Ritmo rápido
Self-driving cars
Automóviles autónomos
Artificial intelligence
Inteligencia artificial
Virtual reality
Realidad virtual
Aceptar o adoptar


1.  Read the text, practice the vocabulary, and answer the true or false questions.

Technology and Our Lives

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we live, work, and communicate. In the present, we are surrounded by gadgets and devices that make our daily tasks easier and more efficient. From smartphones that keep us connected to the internet at all times, to smart home devices that automate our homes, technology has transformed the way we interact with the world.

Looking back at the past, it's incredible to see how much technology has evolved. Just a few decades ago, computers were massive machines that occupied entire rooms. Now, we carry more computing power in our pockets than those early computers ever had. The internet, once a luxury, is now a necessity in our daily lives, providing us with information, entertainment, and social connections.

As we discuss the future, it's impossible not to wonder what technological advancements lie ahead. The rapid pace of innovation promises exciting possibilities. We can envision a world where self-driving cars become the norm, where artificial intelligence revolutionizes various industries, and where virtual reality changes the way we experience entertainment and education.

In conclusion, technology has shaped our present, and it will continue to shape our future. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology, it's important to embrace its potential while also considering the social, ethical, and environmental impacts it may have. The present, past, and future of technology are closely intertwined with our lives, and it's up to us to make informed decisions as we move forward.

True or False:

 , (true/false)

 , (true/false)

 , (true/false)

 , (true/false)

 , (true/false)

2. Carefully read the following extract about facts that shape humanity and answer the questions: 

In today's world, there are many significant developments and challenges that affect all of us. Let's explore some of these present facts that are shaping humanity. Firstly, technology plays a crucial role in our lives. We have witnessed incredible advancements in artificial intelligence, renewable energy sources, and smart devices. These innovations have made our lives easier and more efficient. Also, globalization has brought people from different cultures and backgrounds closer together. It fosters cultural exchange and promotes unity among nations. However, the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged healthcare systems worldwide, highlighting the importance of global cooperation in times of crisis. On the other hand, we are witnessing progress towards gender equality. Women are gaining more opportunities and recognition for their contributions in various fields. Finally, education is also undergoing a transformation with the rise of digital learning platforms. These platforms make education accessible to people from all walks of life, bridging gaps in learning. It's essential to realize that our actions today will shape the world of tomorrow. Each one of us has a role to play in building a more inclusive, sustainable, and compassionate world. Let's work together to create a brighter future for humanity.

What is the purpose of this text?

  • a) To entertain the readers with fictional stories.

  • b) To inform the readers about present facts shaping humanity.

  • c) To provide cooking tips and recipes.


What are some of the significant developments mentioned in the text?

  • a) Innovations in artificial intelligence and renewable energy sources.

  • b) Famous landmarks around the world.

  • c) Historical events from the past.


What does globalization promote among nations?

  • a) Unity and cultural exchange.

  • b) Isolation and division.

  • c) Political conflicts.


How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the world?

  • a) It has improved healthcare systems worldwide.

  • b) It has shown the importance of global cooperation during crises.

  • c) It has had no impact on society.


What is one example of progress mentioned in the text?

  • a) Advancements in technology.

  • b) Environmental challenges.

  • c) Progress towards gender equality.


What has made education more accessible to people from all walks of life?

  • a) Digital learning platforms.

  • b) Traditional classroom settings.

  • c) Lack of resources.


What is the main idea of this text?

  • a) The importance of individual achievements in shaping humanity.

  • b) How technology is making life more complicated for everyone.

  • c) The various present facts impacting and shaping humanity.


What are some examples of building a more inclusive world mentioned in the text?

  • a) Reducing opportunities for women.

  • b) Fostering cultural exchange.

  • c) Ignoring global challenges.


Which word could be used as a synonym for "advancements"?

  • a) Setbacks.

  • b) Improvements.

  • c) Conflicts.


What is the tone of this text?

  • a) Depressing.

  • b) Boring.

  • c) Inspirational.


3. Speaking activity: Based on your experience, describe what actions you did with a cellphone in the past and what actions you do with a smartphone now.

