Lesson 1

Lección 9/21 | Tiempo de estudio: 23 Min
Lesson 1

Utilizamos some y any, cuando queremos expresar una cantidad indeterminada al referirnos a un sustantivo, pero no queremos decir exactamente cuál es esa cantidad. Al usar some y any estamos expresando la idea de “algunos pero no muchos”. Tanto some cómo any se utilizan acompañando a nombres contables en plural y nombres incontables.

Some: se utiliza en frases afirmativas e interrogativas. Aunque en el caso de las interrogativas se utiliza principalmente para pedir o para ofrecer algo.

Some people in the office prefer to have lunch outside.
Would you like some coffee?

Any: aunque su sentido es igual al de some, any se usa principalmente en oraciones interrogativas y negativas aunque hay algunos casos en los que es posible usar any en oraciones afirmativas.

I haven’t received any emails from my boss.
Do you have any questions for me?

Much/Many: Utilizamos much y many cuando queremos expresar la idea de gran cantidad, mucho. La diferencia entre utilizar uno u otro reside en si el sustantivo al que acompañan es contable o incontable. En principio, much y many deben utilizarse en oraciones negativas e interrogativas aunque en contextos formales se usa también en oraciones afirmativas.

Many: se usa con nombres contables en plural.

I haven’t received many calls this morning.
Hunger and malnutrition are still common in many countries.

Much: se utiliza con nombres incontables.

How much time do you have for lunch?
I don’t have much time left

A lot of/Lots of: Como norma podemos decir que a lot of y lots of se utilizan para hablar de gran cantidad en oraciones afirmativas y acompañando a sustantivos contables e incontables, aunque existen algunas excepciones en el uso de estos cuantificadores. La diferencia entre utilizar a lots of o lots of depende del contexto en el que se utilicen.

A lot of

I have a lot of work to do.
I have made a lot of mistakes in my life.

Lots of: se utiliza en contextos más informales.

Lots of old movies and songs are in the public domain.
Lots of people came to the house to see the new baby.

No/None: Se utilizan para indicar la ausencia de algo; se puede usar con nombres contables e incontables.

Lo colocamos directamente antes del sustantivo.

I’ve got no time for you.
She has no friends.


None of my children have been ill.
The judge believed none of what she said.

Little/bA little: Ambos se utilizan para expresar la idea de poca cantidad y solo se usan acompañando a nombres incontables. Usar little o a little depende de la connotación que quieras darle si es positiva o negativa.

Little: lo usamos para expresar que es poca cantidad y no es suficiente.

I had little time to prepare for my exam and I failed.
I have little money, I can’t buy a new car.

A little: lo usamos para decir que aunque es poca cantidad, es suficiente.

I have a little money, enough for a new dress.
She saves a little money every month.

Few/A few: Al igual que little y a little se usan para expresar poca cantidad, pero en este caso, se utilizan solo con nombres contables. Del mismo modo, usar few/a few depende de la connotación.

Few: Poca cantidad, no es suficiente.

She had few moments on her own.
Few cities in the world can compete with Paris.

A few: Poca cantidad, pero es suficiente.

We stayed a few >days in Paris visiting its museums.
I just need a few hours to finish my book.


Lee las oraciones y utiliza el cuantificador correcto. Ten presente la cantidad de información que tiene cada ejercicio.

I can name ________ the continents! (Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Oceania, Europe)


I can name ________ of the planets in our solar system! (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)


I can name ___________ breeds of dogs! (Beagle, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Boxer, Boston Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Bulldog, Basset Hound)


I can name ________ famous singers. (Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Rihanna, Lady Gaga)


I can name _________ countries in South America. (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia) *They are enough*


I can name _________ of the US state capitals.



Escucha los audios y completa con los cuantificadores correspondientes. 

I have apples in my bag. There are red ones and green ones. They are delicious and juicy. I like to eat a apple every day as a healthy snack.

My friend has cats. There are of them named Tom, Lucy, and Max. Tom is a big orange cat, Lucy is a black cat, and Max is a fluffy white cat. They are all playful and friendly.

We bought books at the bookstore yesterday. There are of them in total. They are all different genres, including mystery, romance, and fantasy. I can't wait to start reading them one by one.

There are students in my class. There are of us in total. We all enjoy learning and participating in class activities. Our teacher is patient and helps us understand new concepts.

My mom baked cookies for me. There are of them. They are chocolate chip cookies, and they smell amazing. I love having a cookies with a glass of milk as an afternoon treat.