Lesson 2

Lección 31/36 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 2

Recognizing traffic signs

Aprender a reconocer las señales de tránsito es algo importante en cualquier lugar, estas nos puedes ayudar a evitar accidentes, a continuación te presento algunas de las señales y expresiones más importantes 




Ceda el paso

No parking

Prohibido estacionar


Sentido único

Pedestrian crossing

Paso de peatones

No entry

No entrar 


Stop SignThis sign is octagonal and is used to indicate that drivers must come to a complete stop at an intersection or junction.

Yield Sign
This sign is triangular and indicates that drivers must yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic or pedestrians.

No Parking Sign
This sign indicates areas where parking is not allowed. It is often seen in places where parking is prohibited or restricted.

One Way SignThis sign indicates that the traffic flows in only one direction on a particular road or lane.

Pedestrian Crossing SignThis sign features a symbol of a person walking and is used to indicate the presence of a pedestrian crossing or crosswalk.

No Entry Sign
This sign is a red circle with a white horizontal line and indicates that entry into a specific area or road is prohibited.

Lea el siguiente texto e identifica las señales de tránsito mencionadas 

I was driving on the road yesterday and saw some important traffic signs. There was a big red stop sign at an intersection, reminding drivers to come to a complete stop. Then, I noticed a yellow yield sign, indicating that we should give the right-of-way to other vehicles. I also saw a speed limit sign showing a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It's essential to obey these signs for our safety. Additionally, I spotted a pedestrian crossing sign, reminding drivers to watch out for people crossing the road. Lastly, I noticed a no parking sign near a busy area. It's crucial to be aware of these signs and follow their instructions to ensure a safe and smooth flow of traffic.

What does the red stop sign indicate?

  • a) Speed up

  • b) Proceed with caution

  • c) Come to a complete stop

  • d) Merge with traffic


What does the yellow yield sign mean?

  • a) Stop and wait for the green light

  • b) Proceed with caution

  • c) Give the right-of-way to other vehicles

  • d) Change lanes


What was the maximum speed indicated by the speed limit sign?

  • a) 40 kilometers per hour

  • b) 60 kilometers per hour

  • c) 80 kilometers per hour

  • d) No speed limit


What does the pedestrian crossing sign remind drivers to do?

  • a) Speed up and pass quickly

  • b) Watch out for people crossing the road

  • c) Slow down and honk the horn

  • d) Ignore pedestrians


What does the no parking sign indicate?

  • a) Parking is allowed

  • b) Parking is allowed only for residents

  • c) Parking is allowed for a limited time

  • d) Parking is prohibited


Riddles: Adivinanzas

I'm a shape you can't miss,
With eight sides, I insist.
At intersections, I'm there to guide,
Bringing traffic to a halt wide.
What am I?


I'm a triangle, bright and bold,
On the road, my message is told.
When you see me, it's time to yield,
To other vehicles, your right I shield.
What am I?


I'm a sign you often see,
In areas where parking can't be.
With a red circle, I clearly state,
No parking here, don't hesitate.
What am I?
