Lesson 4

Lección 17/36 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 4

Saying the time

Una habilidad importante a la hora de comunicarnos en inglés es aprender a hablar del tiempo, de la hora, del reloj y todo lo relacionado con este.

En esta lección te enseñaremos frases útiles para hablar de la hora

2:00- It's two o'clock.
2:30 - It's half past two.
2:05 - It's five past two.
2:35 - It's twenty-five to three.
2:10 - It's ten past two.
2:40 - It's twenty to three.
2:15 - It's quarter past two.
2:45 - It's quarter to three.
2:20 - It's twenty past two.
2:50 - It's ten to three.
2:25 - It's twenty-five past two
2:55 - It's five to three.

Se utiliza At + Time  cuando se indica la hora de un acontecimiento concreto.

 The class starts at nine o'clock.
 The flight leaves at ten to three.

Usamos It o It's para responder a una pregunta que pide la hora en este momento.

What time is it?
It is half past four.
What's the time? 
It's twenty to five.

Hay dos formas comunes para hablar de la hora 

1. Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)

6:25 - It's six twenty-five

Son las seis y veinticinco.

8:05 - It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)

Son las ocho y cinco 

 It's nine eleven

Son las nueve y once.

 It's two thirty-four

Son las dos y treinta y cuatro.

2) Say the minutes first and then the hour.  (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour)

For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes.

For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes.

2:35 - It's twenty-five to three

Faltan veinticinco para las tres

11:20 - It's twenty past eleven

Son las once y veinte

4:18 - It's eighteen past four

Son las cuatro y dieciocho 

8:51 - It's nine to nine

Faltan nueve para las nueve 

2:59 - It's one to three

Falta un minuto para las tres

Cuando han pasado 15 minutos de una hora se suele utilizar la expresión (a) quarter past

7:15 - It's (a) quarter past seven

Son las siete y cuarto 

Cunado faltan 15 minutos para determinada hora se suele utilizar la expresión a quarter to 

12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one

Falta un cuarto para la 1

Cuando han pasado 30 minutos de una hora se suele utilizar half past 

3:30 - It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty)

Son las tres y media / son las tres treinta


Esta espresión la utilizamos cuando no han transcurrido minutos de una hora 

10:00 - It's ten o'clock
5:00 - It's five o'clock
1:00 - It's one o'clock

Practice 1

Observa la hora en el reloj y completa la frase



past five

Practice 2

Lea el siguiente texto y responde  verdadero o falso  (T = true / F = false)

I wake up at half past 7 in the morning. Then, I have breakfast at 8 o'clock. I start work at 9 o'clock and finish at half past 4 in the afternoon. In the afternoon, I have a meeting at quarter to 2. After work, I usually go to the gym at half past 6. Finally, I have dinner at 7 o'clock and relax for the rest of the evening.

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

Practice 3

Escucha el audio y completa el texto

I usually wake up at 6 in the morning. After getting ready, I leave home at past 7 to catch the bus. I arrive at work around 8 o'clock and start my tasks. I have a lunch break at 12 o'clock noon and eat with my colleagues. In the afternoon, I continue working until o'clock in the evening. Then, I take the bus back home and usually have dinner at half 6. After dinner, I relax and watch TV until 9 when I go to bed.

Practice 4


Practica tu pronunciación, repite y graba algunas de las frases vistas en la lección.
