Lesson 5

Lección 25/36 | Tiempo de estudio: 20 Min
Lesson 5

Explaining a daily routine

En esta lección reforzaremos los conceptos sobre la explicación de rutinas diarias, sin embargo, en el ámbito de un chef.

Affirmative sentences

Sub + verb + object...

In the morning, the chef plans the menu and organizes the ingredients for the day's meals.

En la mañana, el chef planea el menú y organiza los ingredientes para las comidas del día. 

I start cooking at 7 a.m., making the soup.

Empiezo a cocinar a las 7 a.m., preparando la sopa.

At 8 a.m., I prepare the juice for the breakfast service.

A las 8 a.m., preparo el jugo para el servicio de desayuno.

By 9 a.m., I begin baking fresh bread for the day.

A las 9 a.m., empiezo a hornear pan fresco para el día.

At 10 a.m., I start chopping vegetables for various dishes.

A las 10 a.m., empiezo a picar verduras para varios platos.

By 11 a.m., I'm marinating the meat for lunch specials.

A las 11 a.m., estoy marinando la carne para los especiales de almuerzo.

At 12 p.m., I'm busy grilling and searing steaks for the customers.

A las 12 p.m., estoy ocupado asando y sellando filetes para los clientes.

By 1 p.m., I'm plating and garnishing the dishes for the lunch service.

A la 1 p.m., estoy emplatando y decorando los platos para el servicio de almuerzo.

Es importante que conozcas que al usar el presente simple para expresar acciones de tu rutina, también puedes usar la forma negativa para expresar acciones que no hacen parte de tu rutina 

La estructura para la forma negativa del presente simple es la siguiente: Sujeto + do / does + auxiliar negativo (“not”) + verbo.

Usamos Do con los pronombres I, you, we y they, y Does con los pronombres he, she e it. 



Conjugación negativa 

Do not => Don't

Does => Doesn't
Do not => Don't

Observa los siguientes ejemplos 

I don't wake up early on weekends.

No me despierto temprano los fines de semana.

She doesn't cook dinner every day.

Ella no cocina la cena todos los días.

They don't clean the kitchen after breakfast.

Ellos no limpian la cocina después del desayuno.

We don't have lunch together at work.

No almorzamos juntos en el trabajo.

He doesn't go to the gym in the evenings.

Él no va al gimnasio por las tardes.

She doesn't watch TV before bedtime.

Ella no ve televisión antes de dormir.

They don't take a break in the afternoon.

Ellos no toman un descanso por la tarde.

Practice 1

Lee el siguiente texto y responde Verdadero o Falso (T = true / F = false )

A day as a chef 

Every day, I wake up early in the morning at 6 a.m. to start my day as a chef. I arrive at the restaurant by 7 a.m. and begin preparing the ingredients for the day's meals. During lunchtime, it gets really busy as I ensure that the dishes are served hot and delicious. In the afternoon, I take the opportunity to experiment with new recipes and try out different flavors. However, I don't have much free time during the day as I'm constantly cooking and managing the kitchen. By the time evening rolls around, I oversee the dinner service and make sure everything runs smoothly. Once I'm finally home, I relax and unwind by watching cooking shows and reading culinary books. It's important for me to get enough rest, as the next day brings another busy schedule in the kitchen.

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

(T / F)

Organiza las acciones realizadas por el chef de manera correcta. Utiliza números (1,2,3…)



Practice 2

Escucha el siguiente audio y completa el texto 

As a waiter, my day starts early in the . I arrive at the restaurant 6 a.m. and quickly set up the . By 7 , the restaurant opens, and customers start coming in. Throughout the day, I take and serve meals. During busy hours, time flies by. I have a short break at 12:15 to grab a quick bite. As the day progresses, I check the clock to ensure orders are delivered on . By 4 p.m., the lunch rush starts to wind down. I prepare for the evening shift. Before I know it, it's 9:30 p.m., and the is ready to close. I clean up the tables and ensure everything is spotless for the next day. Being a waiter requires good time management and providing excellent service.

Practice 3


Practica tu pronunciación, repite y graba algunas de las frases que aprendiste en esta lección.


Esto es todo por esta lección, recuerda seguir practicando