Lesson 1

Lección 11/21 | Tiempo de estudio: 10 Min
Lesson 1


I'm sorry.
(Lo siento.)
Excuse me.
I apologize.
(Me disculpo.)
I didn't mean to.
(No lo hice a propósito.)
Pardon me.
My apologies.
(Mis disculpas.)
I'm really sorry.
(Lo siento mucho.)
Please forgive me.
(Por favor, perdóname.)
It was my fault.
(Fue mi culpa.)
I regret it.
(Lo lamento.)

Disculparse y pedir perdón con la forma negativa del verbo "to be" en el presente simple

Por ejemplo, puedes decir:

I'm sorry, I am not available"
 (Lo siento, no estoy disponible)
I'm sorry, I am not feeling well
 (Perdón, no me encuentro bien).
I'm not sorry for what I said. 
(No estoy arrepentido por lo que dije.)
We're not apologizing for our behavior. 
(No nos estamos disculpando por nuestro comportamiento.)
He is not asking for forgiveness.
 (Él no está pidiendo perdón.)
She is not sorry for the mistake she made. 
(Ella no está arrepentida por el error que cometió.)
They are not apologizing for their actions. 
(Ellos no se están disculpando por sus acciones.)

To thank and apologize:

Agradecer y disculparse:

1. What is the right way to say thanks in English?

¿Cuál es la forma correcta de agradecer en inglés?

  • a) Sorry

  • b) Excuse me

  • c) Thank you


2. What’s a polite way to apologize?

¿Cuál es una forma educada de disculparse?

  • a) You're welcome

  • b) I'm sorry

  • c) How are you?


Indicate the origin and nationality - "Indicar el origen y la nacionalidad"

To indicate your nationality, you can use the structure - "Para indicar tu  nacionalidad, puedes usar la estructura"

"I am from [country]" (Soy de [país]) o "I am [nationality]" (Soy [nacionalidad]).

Ejemplos: "I am from Spain" (Soy de España) o "I am Italian" (Soy italiano/a).

To indicate the origin of another person, use the same structure, but replace "I" with the name of the corresponding person - Para indicar el origen de otra persona, utiliza la misma estructura, pero reemplaza "I" por el nombre de la persona correspondiente.

Ejemplo: "She is from China" (Ella es de China).

Discuss age, nationality and profession - "Discutir la edad, nacionalidad y profesión"

Read the following dialogue and complete the following information.

Hi, I'm John. Where are you from?

Nice to meet you, John. I'm Maria. I'm originally from Brazil. What about you?

I'm from the United States. How old are you, Maria?

I'm 28 years old. And you?

I'm 32. So, Maria, what do you do for a living?

I'm a teacher. I teach English to elementary school students. How about you, John?

I work as an engineer. I design buildings and structures.

That sounds interesting! How do you like your job?

I really enjoy it. It's challenging, but rewarding. And what about you? Do you like being a teacher?

Yes, I love it. I find joy in helping my students learn and grow.

That's wonderful to hear. It's great to meet someone who is passionate about their profession.

Thank you, John. Likewise. It's been a pleasure talking to you.

👍 You must write complete sentences. For example, he is Colombian. Debes escribir oraciones completas.

1. Maria's nationality: .

2. John's age: .

3. Maria's age: .

4. Maria's profession: .

5. John's profession: .

I’m seven years old. I’ve got a sister. She is ten. My mum is a doctor. My dad isn’t a doctor, he’s a teacher. We are very happy because it’s Saturday and we aren’t at school, we’re at the park. There are lots of children here. They’re all happy!
Answer true or false.

true - false

true - false

true - false

true - false

true - false

I’m seven years old. I’ve got a sister. She is ten. My mum is a doctor. My dad isn’t a doctor, he’s a teacher. 
We are very happy because it’s Saturday and we aren’t at school, we’re at the park. There are lots of children here. They’re all happy!